I have a kink for body builder bitches and ran into one at the post office about 3 years ago who was going into melt down shit fit mode trying to deal with some A-hole handling the passport stuff so I figured that I should not try to talk to her there. Like you I got her plate number and did a little cyber stalking. I managed to bump into her one day and had her convinced that I had met her in high school and asked her out. She jumped at the chance and we went out a few times. All was going well until I met her 1 year old mixed baby and that is a deal breaker for me. I told my brother about her and he told me to never tell anyone this story, ever.
The moral of this story is to let you know that it can be done if you are a crazy mother fucking nut job.
The moral of this story is to let you know that it can be done if you are a crazy mother fucking nut job.