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Who here has taken the Texas GED test?

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  • Who here has taken the Texas GED test?

    long short here...
    I have a much younger brother in law whom formal education just did not work for. He had really terrible dyslexia and had a really hard time. Well he has since dropped out and went from immigrant day labor work job to job basically.

    Well I am making a push to help him in getting his GED so he can at least attempt to find something stable. He gets discouraged easily though so this will be a tough challenge.

    He missed half his senior year of high school.

    My plan is to get him to commit to wanting the FREE help first. Then after that I was thinking have him take 2 different GED practice tests and just see where he stands. Then work through what he missed on those two and focus on the areas he needs work on.

    For those who have taken it, how was the GED test? Did you do practice tests? Were they relevant to the actual test? Did they help?

  • #2
    Man... He was almost there!


    • #3
      Have a cousin who took it and said it was so easy that a freshman could probably pass. Im sure that your in-law can knock it out.
      Originally posted by lincolnboy
      After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


      • #4
        if he went that far, i would imagine he should not have any trouble. that being said, i was completely stumped by Jr 2nd grade math problem last night, so take that with a grain of salt.

        god bless.
        It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          I took it, but I never had any learning disabilities, just got tired of going to school, and they were gonna make me repeat my senior year due to absenses/truancy.

          I actually took the GED in April, took my ACT in June, and started college that fall.


          • #6
            My younger brother dropped out of school 3 weeks into his Sr year because it was boring. He went up to Mountain View and took the GED Test a few days later and passed it. He said he could have done that in the 8th grade.


            • #7
              To kill some time I took it a couple of dozen times while in the county jail. That was close to 25 years ago but I doubt that the test has changed. It was super easy and I can't imagine a person who could not pass it.
              Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


              • #8
                got mine when I was 16 and it was fairly easy


                • #9
                  Good for you on pushing him to get his GED. While I think they're completely worthless, I did get mine after losing a job opportunity in my mid 20's.

                  I went through my senior year and failed English by a 1/2 semester. I lost my dad that year so I just stopped caring. I retook that 1 half semester class the following year but still failed so I just said "screw it" and never went back. Went many years without a GED or diploma and was able to get different jobs with no problem until my luck ran out. I was applying for a good "temp to hire" job and they actually called to verify. Ended up losing the temp job and then the temp agency wouldn't work with me anymore.

                  I took a practice test at one of the colleges and passed it. I remember they were even surprised by my scores apparently and said I wouldn't need any GED prep classes. So I'm guessing it was fairly easy. I'm sure it has changed some so I don't know how it is now.

                  Oh, and to answer your question, a practice test doesn't prep you for an exam, it just tests your general knowledge around a subject. What it does is helps identify what areas you need to work on. From there, depending on his scores, a prep class may be really depends on his learning ability in school. I wasn't an A student by any means and did fine.
                  Last edited by GeorgeG.; 04-21-2015, 10:20 AM.


                  • #10
                    I dropped out halfway through my senior year and got a GED. I didn't take any of the practice tests, nor did I go to the "classes" I was supposed to. I showed up, took the max number of tests I could and breezed through it in a week.

                    At the same time, I'm not dyslexic or have any hindering issues to speak of, so I can't say from that angle, but it (from what I recall, and this was almost 20 years ago) was very simple.


                    • #11
                      Got mine with a 9th grade edumication. Fuk skool!!

