If I suspect a drunk driver, I call it in quickly. I'll tail the car if it's going my direction to a point so I can guide LEO's if needed. I don't want to live with knowing I didn't call one in and someone was injured. Once I saw a car going the wrong way on 380 a little after midnight. They narrowly missed 2 cars, and still didn't change lanes. I couldn't get the phone out fast enough for that one. Scary stuff.
Also, different topic, but if I see you driving like a jackass at a high rate of speed, I'm calling it in too. Too many times I'm in heavy traffic that is still moving close to the speed limit, and some jackass wants to drive 95 or more. They change lanes, pass in the emergency lane, ride 2 feet behind someone, etc. In those situations, you better believe I'm calling you in. There's no need to risk a 20 car pile up and serious injuries because someone believes they should drive 95 in a 60 and force cars off the road.
Also, different topic, but if I see you driving like a jackass at a high rate of speed, I'm calling it in too. Too many times I'm in heavy traffic that is still moving close to the speed limit, and some jackass wants to drive 95 or more. They change lanes, pass in the emergency lane, ride 2 feet behind someone, etc. In those situations, you better believe I'm calling you in. There's no need to risk a 20 car pile up and serious injuries because someone believes they should drive 95 in a 60 and force cars off the road.