A key differentiator is that I work in the public sector, so every contract or purchase goes out to bid, and everything, including pricing, is public knowledge. It wouldn't be as simple as just taking my clients with me on the spot, I would have to wait out their current contracts, and then bid and win them for the new company, with the only "edge" being my name and perceived value as a consultant. Nothing of what I do or sell is proprietary to the company that I work for, and I have had quite a few colleagues throughout the years go to a competitor without issue or incident. Also factor in that we are a reseller, as a company we don't produce or design anything, we merely connect the buyers with the providers, help them get the best price, and provide a level of ongoing intermediary support and consultation.
Which I hope will change soon, and I'll be selling directly, making all a moot point.
Which I hope will change soon, and I'll be selling directly, making all a moot point.
