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Calming the mind before an interview?
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostOr you can smoke weed.Originally posted by Craizie View PostArrive 30 minutes early and jerk off in the lobby bathroom. Don't wash your hands.Originally posted by inline 6 View PostSmoke a fatty and think of titties.
Thanks for the advice gents, worked like a charm, I was cool as a cucumber this morning.
I was only 20 minutes early due to traffic, which I think worked to my advantage actually, made for a warmer than usual handshake.
Originally posted by Big A View PostI'm scheduled for my first job interview in almost 14 years, and though I feel fully prepared, and perfect for the role, I've still got this little pit in my stomach I can't seem to shake. Past experience in similar situations (client meetings mostly) tells me that I'll be calm as a cucumber post handshake, but right now my mind won't shut off.
Any advice and/or words of encouragement would be appreciated. Hell, even a DFWM style roasting would at least give me something to entertain myself with...
I believe you need to be confident, but not cocky. Appearing a bit nervous is fine, as long as you speak clearly and as you would if had the attitude of "this ain't nothing" or "I got this.."
I have a tradition - I think it's okay to be amped up just a little. So I'll hydrate before an interview, get in a solid whiz/bathroom break and then eat some fruit (usually banana or two) and a red bull an hour before the interview. It quenches the thirst a bit before a meeting and makes sure you don't get a little hungry. Then I'll accept a water when on-site to ensure I don't get cotton mouth when going on.
I also try to let them talk as much as possible and I'll ask them some questions to help that process.
The smiling tip above is good. I have a creepy smile, but do it anyway to hide nervousness - but it also shows some but I feel like it shows me as a positive type person overall.
It's like that duck scenario, be all calm and collected above water but paddling like crazy underwater.
All-in-all I've failed interviews for 2 reasons only.
1. Interviewing for the wrong job type that I would not want anyway - due to mix ups.
2. The interviewers were a-holes and I'd not want to work there anyway. i.e. panel interviews where they try to trip you up. I win some and lose some, but the ones I lost - typically they'd have to look up the answers too.
There is always a stump the chump person during the interview process usually. Just have to deal with it as it comes and see how it goes.
Also, I do try and joke around a little during interviews as well. I feel like if they cannot joke around a little, I would not want to work there anyway. Of course the goofing around is very minor and clean - It's not like I say stuff I'd say to old Army buddies and such.
I tend to know how the interview is going to go in the first 15 minutes or so. Either way, I stick around because interviewing is a skill that one should have anyway. I know one guy that interviews to offer letter 1-2 times a year to see market value and it helps keep his skills sharp.
Edit...heh, just noticed you've already interviewed. Good work sir, glad it went well.Originally posted by MR EDDU defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
The preemptive bio break is a must, certainly after being stuck in traffic like I was this morning. Nothing like having your eyeballs floating in ANY meeting.
I flat out told him I was a little nervous at the beginning, and blamed it on having a good job with the same employer for 14 years, thus no interviews. This actually helped to break the tension, and it was smooth sailing from there.
At the end of it all he said that I was the first of 4 people scheduled to interview, and that based on this prelim interview, I'd be brought back in for a more in depth conversation with the entire team. So I've made it to round 3 as it were, which is the result that I was looking for.
Good luck on yours.
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostDfwmustangs 2000-present
Duties- Ride down with the ship that is sinking
- Successfully implement onboarding process for new hires
- Shit where I ate
- Directly responsible for chasing off any pussy
- As a result, jerked off to chubby girls in the NSFW thread
- Please do not contact for currently employed...
I've been in the same boat, interviewing for two jobs. So far everything has been over the phone so I just have a beer before or even during the call. Today was a technical interview which was no problem at all. That is for another consulting gig that I think is a slam dunk. I just have to interview with the hiring manager now. I consider this a lateral move for better money but also a better opportunity.
The other gig is the big one. I've already had three interviews and it is down to me and another guy. The hiring manager knows me but I have an executive level interview I have to get done first. They are talking about flying me out to Palo Alto next week. I'll just have to wait and see..
Good luck Big A. I offer one bit of interviewing advice. At the end of the interview, ask for a critique. Like you, I haven't been interviewing for a long time. So I close out my interview by stating that and asking for "brutal honesty". I phrase it as if they are doing me a huge favor in telling me where I went wrong so I can do better the best time.
However the kicker is, you've just loosened them up to tell you the issues they had with you during the interview. It gives you an opportunity to address those concerns.
After that, if this is the hiring manager, you close by asking for the job in the form of a question. Say something like, I can start for you in two weeks, or would Monday be better for you? It's a classic sales closing technique. A lot of the time you'll get a good laugh out of the interviewer but you also make the case to them that you want the job and you've got the balls to pursue it.
Sounds like you're in a bit better spot than I, we're down to the "final four." After this round of prelims with the hiring manager they'll narrow down to "two or three" to come in for meet and greet with the team, to see about the overall fit, as it's a leadership role of sorts.
I was ready to offer save him the time of interviewing the others, but he was firm about getting to speak to the rest, though he did hint at the fact that I've already made the short list for the group interview. I wish we were already down to it being just me and another guy, this is going to be the longest week of my working career...
Come to find out that this was supposed to be a phone interview, but the recruiter didn't quite tell me that, so the hiring manager was a bit surprised to see me this morning.I would think that would only help, as it reiterates that I am local to the territory and ready to go.
A lateral move for more money would be awesome, good luck with both. Lots of interviewing up in hurra.