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Gotta love our new insurance deductibles and their process...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by slow99 View Post
    She's an insightful one.
    It's a pet peeve of mine when people say that something costs x on their insurance when they are really paying y. Who cares what it costs the insurance company when you pay a reasonable amount.
    I'm a Barbie girl...In my Barbie world...


    • #47


      • #48
        Originally posted by Barbie View Post
        It's a pet peeve of mine when people say that something costs x on their insurance when they are really paying y. Who cares what it costs the insurance company when you pay a reasonable amount.
        I care what I pay now and what I will be paying after obozocare kicks in are what Im worried about, ask Don what he was and is now paying. I pay several hundred on copays each month now.
        Don't know about everyone else but I couldn't afford the 8+k out of pocket for our deductible in one month.
        You are young now wait tell the 40 and 50s kick ya in the ass.. You start looking at things a bit different. Im betting you are a liberal and come from money?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Barbie View Post
          It's a pet peeve of mine when people say that something costs x on their insurance when they are really paying y. Who cares what it costs the insurance company when you pay a reasonable amount.
          It's the difference he has to pay because his insurance format has changed due to Obama care that he's complaining about (and rightfully so). Wouldn't you bitch if you HAD to pay for insurance and in return, pay over $1500 just to have a little pill to make it through the day?

          Also, you should care what your insurance is being charged. These over-inflated prices are the result of health care gone wild. I get an average of a 50% discount if I pay for something cash, if not more. Sometimes, I see where it can be cheaper than some deductibles or their 20%, in some cases.

          You should care whenever anyone takes money. How do you know if your insurance is even working for you? It's not, here in Don's case.


          • #50
            Originally posted by sig239 View Post
            I care what I pay now and what I will be paying after obozocare kicks in are what Im worried about, ask Don what he was and is now paying. I pay several hundred on copays each month now.
            Don't know about everyone else but I couldn't afford the 8+k out of pocket for our deductible in one month.
            You are young now wait tell the 40 and 50s kick ya in the ass.. You start looking at things a bit different. Im betting you are a liberal and come from money?
            I take fewer Rx meds now than I did when I was younger.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Denny View Post
              It's the difference he has to pay because his insurance format has changed due to Obama care that he's complaining about (and rightfully so). Wouldn't you bitch if you HAD to pay for insurance and in return, pay over $1500 just to have a little pill to make it through the day?

              Also, you should care what your insurance is being charged. These over-inflated prices are the result of health care gone wild. I get an average of a 50% discount if I pay for something cash, if not more. Sometimes, I see where it can be cheaper than some deductibles or their 20%, in some cases.

              You should care whenever anyone takes money. How do you know if your insurance is even working for you? It's not, here in Don's case.
              Last year, I paid $74 a month for health insurance for Ashley and myself. I paid $118 for a 90 day supply of my meds.

              This year (after the affect Obamacare had on our insurance coverages) I pay $200 a month for Ashley and myself. I have to meet our deductible PERIOD before any coverages kick in (apparently this also applies to prescriptions ) and I have a bill for $1,518.20 for a 90-day supply of my meds.
              Originally posted by PGreenCobra
              I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
              Originally posted by Trip McNeely
              Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
              dont downshift!!
              Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


              • #52
                I would love to fall asleep easily.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Barbie View Post
                  It's a pet peeve of mine when people say that something costs x on their insurance when they are really paying y. Who cares what it costs the insurance company when you pay a reasonable amount.
                  That mindset has got this country's healthcare system in the situation it is in today. Everyone inflates their prices to unrealistic levels because they know the insurance companies will pay up. This is why the drug companies offer discount codes, discount cards, and deductible subsidies when someone doesn't have insurance in place or the insurance company won't cover the drug.

                  It's the same story for the price of doctor's office visits. For example, I went to the doctor for a routine checkup about a month ago, and they billed my insurance company $350 after my $25 copay. When I saw the invoice, I was dumbfounded. When I called the doctor's office and asked them how much they would charge someone out-of-pocket for a routine checkup, they said $99. They charge the insurance company more, because they know they will pay it, and if the insurance companies refuse to pay it then the doctor's office negotiates with them to a price that they are willing to pay.


                  • #54
                    What's your deductible and do you cap for the year?

                    My ex was diabetic and I had a $3200 deductible and then it went to 80/20 up to $4000 for the year. We hit the $4k in 3 months and then I paid $0 for EVERYTHING for the remainder of the year outside of premiums. I knew I was going to take the $4k hit every year so I just saved up in my HSA to be ready at the roll over.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by sig239 View Post
                      Im betting you are a liberal and come from money?
                      And has a suboptimal credit score!
                      Originally posted by davbrucas
                      I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                      Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                      You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by slow99 View Post
                        And has a suboptimal credit score!
                        I chuckled.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by sig239 View Post
                          I care what I pay now and what I will be paying after obozocare kicks in are what Im worried about, ask Don what he was and is now paying. I pay several hundred on copays each month now.
                          Don't know about everyone else but I couldn't afford the 8+k out of pocket for our deductible in one month.
                          You are young now wait tell the 40 and 50s kick ya in the ass.. You start looking at things a bit different. Im betting you are a liberal and come from money?
                          I think it is wise to understand what the ins is paying of course but when you say this drug costs x amount per month and it's not what you pay that's misleading. He now has a plan with a deductible that includes everything. He should make sure he knows the ins and outs of the plan so he's prepared. It's also just a deductible so it's not going to be that much each time. Yeah it sucks but that's just insurance they work hard to make sure they pay as little as possible. I'm also a republican with a credit score of over 800 so suck it
                          BARBIE LOVES BULLITT991 3.17.07
                          I'm a Barbie girl...In my Barbie world...
                          PROUD OWNER: '04 AZURE BLUE MACH 1


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                            That mindset has got this country's healthcare system in the situation it is in today. Everyone inflates their prices to unrealistic levels because they know the insurance companies will pay up. This is why the drug companies offer discount codes, discount cards, and deductible subsidies when someone doesn't have insurance in place or the insurance company won't cover the drug.

                            It's the same story for the price of doctor's office visits. For example, I went to the doctor for a routine checkup about a month ago, and they billed my insurance company $350 after my $25 copay. When I saw the invoice, I was dumbfounded. When I called the doctor's office and asked them how much they would charge someone out-of-pocket for a routine checkup, they said $99. They charge the insurance company more, because they know they will pay it, and if the insurance companies refuse to pay it then the doctor's office negotiates with them to a price that they are willing to pay.
                            I had the same thing with my Neurologist. I pay my copay and he bills $150 or something like that to the ins. company. A cash pay visit is $55. When I asked him about it he said that he had to inflate it because the ins. company only paid him a percentage of what he billed.
                            "You wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch"


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Barbie View Post
                              I'm also a republican with a credit score of over 800 so suck it
                              When the government pays, the government controls.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Barbie View Post
                                so suck it
                                Just for the record can you define what should be sucked exactly?

                                Anyway, I have to laugh at anyone that suggests we are better off under this Obamacare horseshit. The only ones who are better off are the ones who are getting the cheap ass plans for free.
                                Originally posted by racrguy
                                What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                                Originally posted by racrguy
                                Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.

