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Child custody question

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    Ain't that something?
    Either that, or its all lies. Lot like my posts


    • #17
      Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
      Either that, or its all lies. Lot like my posts
      You got me.


      • #18


        • #19
          Originally posted by mustang_revival View Post
          How did you not know the state of your daughter for 14 days? Never visit or talk to her?

          This is pretty normal, the boys are in fact your daughters brothers. People do this all the time, depending of their life's priorities.
          I found out about a week after she was taken to the foster home. The court date was the 14 day trial they do. The cps case worker told me that my daughters mom told her she had no way to contact me so cps didnt contact me to let me know she was being taken. I dont have daily contact with my daughter unless shes visiting with my mom as she lived nearby her or of course when i oivk her up to come over on weekends (which i always pick her up from my moms) Phone, computer etc.. anything of value i have bought for my daughter her mother was taking to the pawnshop. I wont go into detail but it appears drugs are involved in the whole reason cps finally took the kids from her. I've spoken to an attorney and he have me some very promising information. Hopefully I wont need to actually hire him just yet from the sounds of it. My main concern at the moment is to get my daughter moved in and safe.
          Allstate Insurance
          Dominguez Agency
          1101 E. Bardin Rd. suite 141
          Arlington, TX. 76018

          Give us a call so we can take a look at your insurance needs, we may be able to save you $$!!


          • #20
            Any change in child support must have a court order. Probably a separete process. Call the attorney generals office an file for an amendment. Lawyers have free consultations, hit a few. Good luck. I would be going batshit crazy if I were you!!


            • #21
              Originally posted by SSMAN View Post
              Any change in child support must have a court order. Probably a separete process. Call the attorney generals office an file for an amendment. Lawyers have free consultations, hit a few. Good luck. I would be going batshit crazy if I were you!!

              I finally got a response from someone at the attorney general after calling and speaking with 4 different people. They advised me that when the judge files the court order awarding me custody that the cps case worker would send a copy stating that I am now the custodial parent and they can use that court order to stop it. I would then have a to apply for a new case with the attorney general to get her on child support. Trust me, I am going crazy currently. I have a meeting scheduled to visit my daughter tomorrow and later today the cps case worker is visiting my home. I can't wait to get all of this settled, it's stressing me out currently that I haven't been able to get more than a couple of hours of sleep since all of this started.
              Allstate Insurance
              Dominguez Agency
              1101 E. Bardin Rd. suite 141
              Arlington, TX. 76018
              Give us a call so we can take a look at your insurance needs, we may be able to save you $$!!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Stng5Pnt8 View Post
                I finally got a response from someone at the attorney general after calling and speaking with 4 different people. They advised me that when the judge files the court order awarding me custody that the cps case worker would send a copy stating that I am now the custodial parent and they can use that court order to stop it. I would then have a to apply for a new case with the attorney general to get her on child support. Trust me, I am going crazy currently. I have a meeting scheduled to visit my daughter tomorrow and later today the cps case worker is visiting my home. I can't wait to get all of this settled, it's stressing me out currently that I haven't been able to get more than a couple of hours of sleep since all of this started.

                Hang in there. This has got to be tuff. Take the time to prepare yourself for whats about to take place. I wish you the best man, this doesnt sound easy.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by HECDOGGIE View Post
                  Hang in there. This has got to be tuff. Take the time to prepare yourself for whats about to take place. I wish you the best man, this doesnt sound easy.

                  Thanks man, I received some news from the case worker this Friday when I went to visit my daughter. It appears her mother was arrested 4.8.15 for possession and also had several other warrants from several cities. Court is this Friday 4/17, it's just a waiting game to see if she will be out by then and actually be able to show up. I don't think she was able to get an attorney from I was told, nor I think she has the money since she waived a court appointed attorney that day. The cps worker told me that the district attorney is requesting my daughter to be placed with me, it's pretty much in the judges hands at this point, but things seem to heading to a good direction from what I can see so far.
                  Allstate Insurance
                  Dominguez Agency
                  1101 E. Bardin Rd. suite 141
                  Arlington, TX. 76018
                  Give us a call so we can take a look at your insurance needs, we may be able to save you $$!!


                  • #24
                    You sure know how to pick them, tony! Lol just busting your balls


                    • #25
                      IMHO, it should be perfectly legal for you just to go get your daughter and be done with it. Fucking government. I understand why this circus is being done, but in your case a 5 minute conference call should be all it takes with some e-signature crap afterwards. Then you go get her.

                      It's been what...a week or longer that your daughter is with strangers? I know how I feel about my son and daughter and I'm feeling for ya man. You'd think they'd be able to arrange SOME WAY for you to get her until it is official.
                      Originally posted by MR EDD
                      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                        IMHO, it should be perfectly legal for you just to go get your daughter and be done with it. Fucking government. I understand why this circus is being done, but in your case a 5 minute conference call should be all it takes with some e-signature crap afterwards. Then you go get her.

                        It's been what...a week or longer that your daughter is with strangers? I know how I feel about my son and daughter and I'm feeling for ya man. You'd think they'd be able to arrange SOME WAY for you to get her until it is official.
                        you read my mind sir.

                        god bless.
                        It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy View Post
                          You sure know how to pick them, tony! Lol just busting your balls

                          Apparently lol... what is crazy though, back when we dated she wouldn't touch a drink or smoke period.

                          Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                          IMHO, it should be perfectly legal for you just to go get your daughter and be done with it. Fucking government. I understand why this circus is being done, but in your case a 5 minute conference call should be all it takes with some e-signature crap afterwards. Then you go get her.

                          It's been what...a week or longer that your daughter is with strangers? I know how I feel about my son and daughter and I'm feeling for ya man. You'd think they'd be able to arrange SOME WAY for you to get her until it is official.
                          Yeah, I found out they are trying to hold my daughter in their custody a little longer because they can't find placement for her two brothers. I feel sorry for her brothers, but It's not my daughters fault or responsibility either. I've never had to deal with anything like this, it's a lot to take in and deal with. At this point I have an attorney on standby depending on what the judge says Friday. I'm hoping I can go straight to pick her up Friday after she gets out of school. I don't really see the delay at that point.
                          Allstate Insurance
                          Dominguez Agency
                          1101 E. Bardin Rd. suite 141
                          Arlington, TX. 76018
                          Give us a call so we can take a look at your insurance needs, we may be able to save you $$!!


                          • #28
                            Yeah, don't blame you about the brothers - it's not your fault at all but that aspect alone must suck a little.

                            Good luck
                            Originally posted by MR EDD
                            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                            • #29
                              How are things looking ?
                              Hopefully you have your daughter now.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by HECDOGGIE View Post
                                How are things looking ?
                                Hopefully you have your daughter now.
                                I got temporary custody of her within the first couple of weeks after going to court few times. Her mom was still incarcerated and myself and the other two dads of her other kids all ended up getting the same attorney so filing for sole custody would be "easier" just dealing with one attorney.

                                She finally got out of jail mid last month and she was court ordered to take psychological examination, parent counseling, drug program and random drug testing. She failed her first drug test and didn't complete any of the court ordered programs. CPS finally got out of the case completely a few weeks ago, and we had our final court this morning. My daughters mom was a no show and the judge issued a default in our favor. They also ordered child support to stop, and she will have only supervised visitations on the dads terms which she has to pay $60/hour for those visitations.

                                It's crazy how the system works. The first court date, mother showed up late and since she showed up they rescheduled to give her time to get an attorney. The next court date, since she was incarcerated the judge said she needed to be present or have an attorney to plea her case of why she should get the kids back in her custody. She was served in jail since we knew where she was, and we had to wait X amount of days before we could schedule another court date. Once she finally was released, she had supervised visitations with CPS present and she tried to fight the wife of one of the kids dad at Chuck E. Cheese where they had the visitation. Even with that, CPS worker tried to call it an isolated incident, even though they had over 16 police reports of her always trying to assault his wife. We ended up going before a different judge this time around and after hearing everything our attorney had documented, she made a quick decision that the kids were in better hands with their respective fathers.

                                This was all new to me going through this custody battle, but I'm glad I was able to get my daughter and keep her on the right track hopefully, she's 14 so I know I have some difficult teen years ahead of me... :/
                                Allstate Insurance
                                Dominguez Agency
                                1101 E. Bardin Rd. suite 141
                                Arlington, TX. 76018
                                Give us a call so we can take a look at your insurance needs, we may be able to save you $$!!

