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Bowe Bergdahl formally charged with desertion.

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  • #16
    "awaiting military court martial" why is he not rotting in a military prison awaiting trial? does the military let these guys post bond and walk the streets like civilians?


    • #17
      Originally posted by longshot View Post
      "awaiting military court martial" why is he not rotting in a military prison awaiting trial? does the military let these guys post bond and walk the streets like civilians?
      Because he is Obama's pet.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #18
        waiting for Obama pardon at end of the term.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          Because he is Obama's pet.
          Originally posted by mardyn View Post
          waiting for Obama pardon at end of the term.

          ...and that.

          We need to give that traitor (either one, or both of them) a 1/2 way ticket to Hawaii.
          "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


          • #20
            I know I'm going to sound like a liberal but keep in mind that he was a POW. The reason he became one and how he was ultimately released shouldn't have been public knowledge. If Bush were still the POTUS he would have been labelled as a hero, handed a bronze star and a DD214.

            Obama likes to beat his chest too much. The public doesn't need to know all of the dirty details about this kind of stuff.


            • #21
              Originally posted by BP View Post
              I know I'm going to sound like a liberal but keep in mind that he was a POW. The reason he became one and how he was ultimately released shouldn't have been public knowledge. If Bush were still the POTUS he would have been labelled as a hero, handed a bronze star and a DD214.

              Obama likes to beat his chest too much. The public doesn't need to know all of the dirty details about this kind of stuff.
              Bullshit. The rumors of how that shithead walked off his post were already flying around in country within days. It was already out that he was a deserter who didn't like getting fucked in the ass long long time before a bad deal was made when O negotiated with terrorists.

              Bush had/has more respect for actual heroes than to false narrative this ass clown.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #22
                Originally posted by BP View Post
                I know I'm going to sound like a liberal but keep in mind that he was a POW. The reason he became one and how he was ultimately released shouldn't have been public knowledge. If Bush were still the POTUS he would have been labelled as a hero, handed a bronze star and a DD214.

                Obama likes to beat his chest too much. The public doesn't need to know all of the dirty details about this kind of stuff.
                When did Bush make deals like this, trading 5 leaders for one guy who decided to join the bad guys? This should absolutely have been made public and so should his hanging. HE wasn't a POW, he was a deserter who tried to defect and was a little bitch.
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #23
                  Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                  Bullshit. The rumors of how that shithead walked off his post were already flying around in country within days. It was already out that he was a deserter who didn't like getting fucked in the ass long long time before a bad deal was made when O negotiated with terrorists.

                  Bush had/has more respect for actual heroes than to false narrative this ass clown.
                  Disregard the bronze star part then. My point is the general public doesn't need to know the intimate details of prisoner swaps and drone attacks.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                    When did Bush make deals like this, trading 5 leaders for one guy who decided to join the bad guys?
                    That's kind of my point, the general public doesn't know because the CIA managed to keep those things secret. Abdullah Tabarak comes to mind though. He mysteriously disappeared from his cell at Gitmo and showed up free in Morocco. What did we get in return?


                    • #25
                      There shouldn't have been a swap. Those 5 should have been let out of the chopper and released to the enemy and while the deserter is heading across the field, the terrorists and him should have been vaporized by Hellfires.
                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                        There shouldn't have been a swap. Those 5 should have been let out of the chopper and released to the enemy and while the deserter is heading across the field, the terrorists and him should have been vaporized by Hellfires.
                        I'd rather see video of a MOAB.

