I don't think blame should be directed at Vick, no NFL player is going to turn down a key to the city hosting the superbowl, Caraway should be the one getting the heat.
Isn't Caraway under investigation for having lied to the police about a domestic disturbance at his home?
I can imagine myself in Vick's shoes. He's likely accosted about the dog fighting/imprisonment everywhere he goes. He likely expected to be ambushed superbowl weekend everywhere he went. He doesn't say or do anything and his bodyguards are just that, bodyguards. I wouldn't expect a guy paid to physically intimidate people to be an eloquent speaker. I imagine I wouldn't want to speak to everyone over and over about the situation and would just keep walking myself.
Some people will accolade people of their own type just because of said affiliation, regardless of how wrong it is. They have justified it to themselves and care not what others think or perceive.
Some people will accolade people of their own type just because of said affiliation, regardless of how wrong it is. They have justified it to themselves and care not what others think or perceive.
Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_CaminoView Post
I'm glad you finally came out and admitted it.
Oh my, lmao!!!! This might be my new sig material...
In reference to the thread, I don't even like dogs and I feel what that clown was doing was dispicable. So fuck that guy right up in his ass, I wish someone would sic a rabid dog on his bitch ass...
Originally posted by Silverback
Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.