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Allergy Shots

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  • Allergy Shots

    Has anyone done the allergy shot treatment ?

    I was talking to the allergist a month ago and while she was explaining it to me , i stopped her at "take home shots"

    So, i never found out what it entails.


  • #2
    I did it, and quit after about 6 months.

    First you get a shit-ton of jabs with tiny needles to see what you are allergic too. 20 could be 50 pokes!

    After they figure it out, you go in weekly for a shot to help build up your tolerances to the allergen. Eventually they say you only go in once a month, but after 6 months my Quck, errr, I mean Dr said I need to continue weekly visits and shots for another 6 months or so.

    They do not but I've taken so many shots over the years they do not bother me. it's just the inconvenience of going in every fucken week, waiting for them to call you in, rinse and repeat...

    My boss did it, and still goes in on occasions after over 10 years of seeing the Dr. to get "booster shots" or whatever the hell it is.

    It may work for some, but I was not patient enough to find out it could work for me.

    I do know, he billed the shit outa my insurance! Luckily I have awesome insurance and it cost me zero out of pocket.

    Claritin FTW!

    Just a rough estimate, but I've probably given myself over 18,000 shots in my life!
    <-- diabetic


    • #3
      I took them and what Yellowstang said above is correct.

      Started getting them and after about 6 months worth, I went in for a typical boost in the amount of allergens they give you. They do this about every few weeks, giving your stronger doses of allergens so your immune system gets stronger toward them. They keep you for approx 45 min to an hour afterward to make sure you are not having a reaction to the shot, then let you go.

      Well, this last time, I got the shot with the boosted dose and it was on a Friday after 5:00. They kept me about 30 minutes and let me go since I was the last one there.

      Got about half a mile from the office and noticed that I could see my cheeks puffing out (without looking in he mirror). Looked then in the mirror and freaked out. My face looked like a Mongol, all swollen. Knew I was having a reaction so turned around back to the office. It was essentially closed with the lights off but heard some people talking in the back offices. Walking through the dark hallway, started loosing my vision (blacking out), breathing was getting tough. Was experiencing Anaphylactic shock. Luckily a nurse heard me walking and caught me just before falling out.

      They rushed a doctor from across the street and administered epinephrine and came out of it. He told me I was only minutes from death and that they shouldn't have let me go so quick.

      Never went back.

      If you chose to try this, look into Rapid Desensitization. A new method where you get up to full doses in one day. May be worth it, to get rid of allergies. I suffer tremendously with them, especially this time of year.



      • #4
        I did the rush treatment. Foe me the shots were a blessing I only went for about 6 months even though they suggest 5 years. Even though I quit early. My allergies are only about 10% as bad as they used to be. One of the best decisions I ever made.
        Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
        It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


        • #5
          The program worked for me. Went twice a week in the beginning, then weekly, then every other, etc until I made it to the monthly maintenance dosage. Instead of multiple drugs daily and still having symptoms, I now take an occasional snort of Flonaise. Well worth it to me.


          • #6
            I might look into it.

            Cobrajet69 - Glad youre ok man, i bet that was scary to say the least.

            Seems like it works for some, and not for others....


            • #7
              Originally posted by HECDOGGIE View Post
              I might look into it.

              Cobrajet69 - Glad youre ok man, i bet that was scary to say the least.

              Seems like it works for some, and not for others....
              Thanks man.

              Honestly, I have such bad reactions to Mt. Cedar that I'm actually trying to convince myself to try the rush method. I have bad allergies but Mt. Cedar and Pecan tree pollen just tear me up.



              • #8
                The rush wasn't worth the risk or pain to me. You have to get doped up on drugs to prevent an allergic reaction and then get stuck over and over for ~8 hr period as I recall. Spread it out over time. You'll be up to your maint dosage in no time.

