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Allergy sufferers....

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  • Allergy sufferers....

    Who else here suffers from allergies? I don't know what the hell blew in over the weekend but it has my allergies PISSED!! What do you do for relief? I'm tempted to find one of these so-called allergists but I don't know if they're a scam or not.

    I've tried just about all of the OTC stuff....Allegra, Claritin, the -D version of those, both name brand, off brand, I've taken double the dose, even taken all of the other relief meds like Sudafed day and night and nothing!!!

    old people problems, I guess.

  • #2
    fluticasone propionate one month till big change, then life changing after that


    • #3
      I was prescribed Flonase several years back...the occasional nose bleed was a pita.

      no one else here has allergies?


      • #4
        Go to a clinic. After breaking my nose last year. i dont even want spring/summer to even come around.


        • #5
          Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
          I was prescribed Flonase several years back...the occasional nose bleed was a pita.

          no one else here has allergies?
          I got prescribed generic Flonase last year because allergies were leading to sinus infections. I haven't had a problem with nose bleeds with it, though. I haven't used it in about two weeks, and I'm exactly the same as you. Whatever blew in over the weekend and with this warm weather is fucking my sinuses UP!


          • #6
            Oh yeah, I get them. My nose is a freaking faucet in the spring, but the worst part is the itchy eyes. And yeah, something blew in this week. Combination of Claritin, Visine A, and flonase helps me enough to function.


            • #7
              Use one of those sinus rinse bottles. They work really well and help keep your sinuses cleared out. Little uncomfortable at first but you get used to it


              • #8
                after a quick googles, looks like Juniper(Cedar) and Elm are the predominant pollen. I recall having an allergy test done years back and finding out I was allergic to mountain cedar....I guess I still am. I may have to give Flonase another try for days like this.


                • #9
                  I'm highly allergic to Ragweed. When that shit is high I am freaking miserable. Did the shots years ago and it definitely helped. Now a nose spray and Zyrtec are usually enough to keep it check. Every OTC allergy med helps different people with different allergies. Some get no benefit from Zyrtec like me and prefer the likes of Allegra. Just try them til you get the one that works for you. In the spring I am loaded up with the nose spray, eye drops for the itching and a daily Zyrtec. Never had allergies til I moved to Texas, we get all kinds of shit in the air here.


                  • #10
                    On Fox 4 this morning they were saying that Mountain Cedar is really bad right now.


                    • #11
                      i scalped my lawn monday, and i have been a mess since then.

                      god bless.
                      It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          I went to an allergy Dr a few years ago. You go in like once a week for an injection (after testing to see what you are allergic too), and eventually (after several months) you start building up tolerances to the shit that bothers you. Well, in theory it sounds great, but after going for about 6 months, right when I was supposed to go once a month, he thinks I still need to come in every week for another 6 months. He billed the shit outa my insurance, I saw zero relief and just stuck to OTC meds from the pharmacy. It was like a scam, IMO!


                          • #14
                            IM alllergic to mountain cedar as well.... that explains my headache and eyes and sneezing...

