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I'm a college boy meow.

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  • I'm a college boy meow.

    Today was my first day of classes. I'm 30 years old and have already been in my current career for 12 years (licensed aircraft mechanic). I originally had/have planned to be an aeronautical engineer but not so sure I want to do that now. It seems it's not a very stable job as my company, Bombardier, just laid off 1000 people and a large portion of that was engineers...

    Anyways what's a good white collar and stable career field and what degree would I need to get into that field?

  • #2
    train conducter


    • #3
      Anything Choo Choo


      • #4
        Advancement and stability don't always go hand in hand. Just go for what you want, and roll with the punches.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 03mustangdude View Post
          Anything Choo Choo


          Best of Luck!! I'll probably be retiring this year.. Tired of the 3 ring circus....
          Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.


          • #6
            Get a law degree, anything in politics, be around forever!


            • #7
              Originally posted by 2011GT View Post
              Today was my first day of classes. I'm 30 years old and have already been in my current career for 12 years (licensed aircraft mechanic). I originally had/have planned to be an aeronautical engineer but not so sure I want to do that now. It seems it's not a very stable job as my company, Bombardier, just laid off 1000 people and a large portion of that was engineers...

              Anyways what's a good white collar and stable career field and what degree would I need to get into that field?
              Mechanical engineering is a very broad career with a decent income and stability. You can make in the six figures relatively quickly, but your stability will depend heavily on performance of you and your company much more at higher incomes. You could also work in an aero field with an ME DEGREE.

              But I would say medical is a bit more solid and easier to find stability and relatI very high pay together. Be a PA or NP


              • #8


                • #9
                  Pizza delivery. Bitches love sausage.
                  Originally posted by talisman
                  I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                  Originally posted by AdamLX
                  If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                  Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                  Because fuck you, that's why
                  Originally posted by 80coupe
                  nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                  Originally posted by Rick Modena
                  ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                  Originally posted by Jester
                  Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 2011GT View Post
                    Today was my first day of classes. I'm 30 years old and have already been in my current career for 12 years (licensed aircraft mechanic). I originally had/have planned to be an aeronautical engineer but not so sure I want to do that now. It seems it's not a very stable job as my company, Bombardier, just laid off 1000 people and a large portion of that was engineers...

                    Anyways what's a good white collar and stable career field and what degree would I need to get into that field?
                    Just stay in aviation ,but get off the floor. Look at management or QC. I have a friend that used to be a mechanic on my crew but got his engineering degree at UTA. Now He works at bombardier on the lear 85 program.
                    07 GT500
                    05 SRT10
                    88 turbocoupe T-bird
                    93 Cobra
                    86 coupe
                    Ducati 848


                    • #11
                      look up foofing.


                      • #12
                        Pretty much any engineering degree will treat you well. Also finance majors are doing well now. Not sure how the future will be for them. Good for you dude!
                        "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                        • #13
                          CPAs drive Lambos.


                          • #14
                            The hydraulic industry pays well and a lot of mechanics already know a lot more than most already in the field. I work with aeronautics, mining, O&G, construction, industrial, etc. so I do not feel the roller coaster as much as people that only work with one market. Best part is you can make more money than those with secondary degrees.

                            Unless you plan on getting your PhD do not go in aeronautical engineering, almost impossible to get a job without one. If you are dead set on an engineering degree mechanical is the most versatile, if a school offers it mechatronics is the coming wave.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mk5.0 View Post
                              Just stay in aviation ,but get off the floor. Look at management or QC. I have a friend that used to be a mechanic on my crew but got his engineering degree at UTA. Now He works at bombardier on the lear 85 program.
                              I'm guessing you didn't hear: 85 program has been "paused" indefinitely. I'll hazard another guess that his resume has been recently updated.
                              Last edited by BERNIE MOSFET; 01-21-2015, 05:54 AM.
                              Men have become the tools of their tools.
                              -Henry David Thoreau

