Been buying from them for years fixing things on my car here and there. Back in late 2013 I bought the weather strip kit from them and installed it. Couldn't even shut my doors after I put the door to body seals on. Had to adjust the door catch out quite a bit and I still have to slam the crap out of my door. I Figured it would take a few days or so to compress and didn't bother to call or anything. Went through the car was one day and it leaked like crazy on the passanger side. That was my red flag that these things were not right. So I finnaly wrote a review today (several months after I installed them) about how they are not that great at all. Not a huge bash or anything (3 out of 5 stars) just a hey these are not that great etc try something else. I only saw one feedback that was the same as mine the rest were all perfect scores. They call me and offer to ship me some OE replacments that are smaller at no charge. Brillant! So if there is any question that that compay is great, let it be known. I like them a lot
