One thing I respect about you is you stick to your words. Thats a hard quality to find nowadays.
I'll take that compliment. Thanks. I recognize that a lot of my humor doesn't translate well, and that I sometimes pick fights I shouldn't. No ragrets.
I'll take that compliment. Thanks. I recognize that a lot of my humor doesn't translate well, and that I sometimes pick fights I shouldn't. No ragrets.
Hey, fuck you!
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
I'll take that compliment. Thanks. I recognize that a lot of my humor doesn't translate well.
I get that alot of the book of face. I dont use the lol and lulz. You just have to know me to get the my humor, which like you said doesnt alway translate well, but 0 fucks given is my general rule...