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Stolen Valor

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  • Stolen Valor

    Just curious if anyone has an avenue to see if someone is legit or not.

    I'm about 99% this guy (claiming to be a SEAL, which was his second statement to me) is a phony. He can't remember his BUDs class number, or his rate because, "it's been too long and he tucked it away in a deep dark place"

    Is there a website I can forward his name and claimed service dates, to and confirm he is the scum I suspect he is?

    Thanks in advance.

    **EDIT*** Already tried and read they don't take requests.

  • #2
    Know any navy people? Usually just takes a face to face meeting. If not get a hold of Brian Kolgage and he can do some research. He has plenty of resources and calls people out on this stuff.


    • #3
      He would remember his buds class number.


      • #4
        shit I was a navy seal ranger green beret. But I cant talk about it lol These fools are such dipshits


        • #5
          if hes lying, why bother calling him out? People like that have very sad lives, and most the time all they have is the lie.

          tell him since he's a seal, you feel you can trust him with your secret, youre a CIA spy


          • #6
            THE SCOURGE OF NAVY SEAL IMPOSTERS By Special Guest Contributor and SEAL Teammate Don Shipley of Extreme SEAL Experience. "Give'em Hell Don..."-Brandon


            • #7
              Stolen Valor

              "I've seen some things, man.....and done some stuff" one forgets their BUDs #


              • #8
                Originally posted by BMCSean View Post
                He would remember his buds class number.
                I don't know. Granted I wasn't in spec ops, but I don't remember my class numbers from basic or tech school. Hell I have to think pretty hard to remember my squadrons at that time. Some people have a shitty memory about shit like that.
                I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by War Machine View Post
                  tell him since he's a seal, you feel you can trust him with your secret, youre a CIA spy
                  i love this idea.

                  god bless.
                  It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    I imagine someone wouldn't just forget something like that because "it's been too long."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                      I don't know. Granted I wasn't in spec ops, but I don't remember my class numbers from basic or tech school. Hell I have to think pretty hard to remember my squadrons at that time. Some people have a shitty memory about shit like that.
                      I can remember some of them, it's been over 10yrs. Buds class number is not something I can see someone forgetting.


                      • #12
                        I was in the Navy, hence why nothing added up to me. I remember my class numbers, and I don't think there would be a way to forget your BUDs class number, would be like forgetting your middle name.


                        • #13
                          I work with a guy that claims to have been a Force Recon Marine during the gulf war. I think he's bullshitting, so I'm debating whether or not I should set up a meeting with a guy I know is legit.
                          Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
                          It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


                          • #14
                            That is something you wear proud the rest of your life, I would call him out in public to show him the scum he is. People in the military that have been honorable discharged have earned it, can't stand when people like that disrespect them.

                            Some vets take it very seriously, one guy I used to work with knocked a guy out at a bar because of it. I learned very quickly that night, Marine special ops guys can throw one heck of a punch. Ahh good times


                            • #15
                              You should expose these fuckin idiots whenever possible.
                              Originally posted by racrguy
                              What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                              Originally posted by racrguy
                              Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.

