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Dog Owners

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  • #16
    First. What kind of dog is it?

    Crate training is the only way to go IMO. But if you use a crate that is to large. It won't work. The crate should only be large enough for the dog to walk in and turn around.

    If you leave them in there 8-9 hours a day at that age. NO WAY they can make it that long. There are many sites that show info on how often a dog should go outside based on their age.

    Look up crate training and go from there.

    We got our poodle at 8 weeks old. He was crate trained and house broken by 11 weeks old. It is all about routine and consistency.

    Now for the sticking their nose in the urine. Unless you you catch the dog in the act. They have no idea why you are doing that. If they pee on the floor and then 2 hours later you are rubbing their nose in it. They probably are not going to want to be near you no matter how many times you call them to "come". They just learn that, "Hey that person is the one that rubs my nose in places it should not be". lol Dogs are not dumb. They learn quick!!


    • #17
      I don't understand why people have such trouble with house training. First off, a good rule of thumb is a dog can hold it's bladder 1 hour for every month old it is. So a puppy that's 2 months old should be taken out every 2-3 hours and you should continue this till they are at least 6-9 months. If the dog is older and was never house trained then you need to spend a week or two taking them out every few hours and slowly increase the time between taking them out each week. This will slowly build up the dog being able to hold it's bladder. On top of that, if you don't physically catch the dog in the act of pissing or shitting in the house, don't even bother trying to discipline the dog because they won't know what they've done wrong. Always reward the dog when they use the bathroom. The dog will start to learn it gets a reward when it goes outside and this builds positive reinforcement, which goes a LONG way with a dog.
      Originally posted by Jester
      Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
      He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
      Originally posted by Denny
      What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
      FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


      • #18
        just find a cute young community college chick to come let him out once a day, then start taking long lunches and awkwardly being home when she comes by. then, well thats up to you.


        • #19
          Synthetic Selection


          • #20
            I think he is saying the code is code for himself.


            • #21
              id go piss on the old ladys floor.

              god bless.
              It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass

