A non-technical photographic term for bouncing the light from a flash unit off of a nearby wall or other neutral-colored object in order to diffuse and redirect the light. It produces far more natural looking light (and shadows) than firing a flash directly at the subject.
I don't know if you are Justin or aren't, but that's exactly something Justin would do.
More serious reply, You mean copy and paste something from google? You should have said thats what 100% of the members of this site would do.
Speak for yourself. Just because you have a limited vocabulary, that doesn't mean everyone doesn't mean we all have to google the definition of a word.
Speak for yourself. Just because you have a limited vocabulary, that doesn't mean everyone doesn't mean we all have to google the definition of a word.
Its no more limited than yours is. Don't act like you knew what foofing was. And I wasn't referring to vocabulary, but rather the tendency to just google something and slap that down as the answer
Yeah ive been trying to look him up but for some reason they changed all his name to smegma. But he did bump a lot of threads so if im going to be him i have to do what he did
Josh Williams, Element construction. Give us a call next time you need a roof, or come see me for proof. I'll whip out the old id card. But thats certainly all the effort Ill ever make. Cause frankly its not really my concern who you think i am.
I have no idea who this other character is that everyone seems to obsess over. Looking through the search, it looks as if youve had several other false accusations of other members you've tried to identify as this guy.
interesting website... down at the bottom it said to follow them on Google Plus, so I clicked on that, and what's the first thing my eye saw on that page?
Last edited by Chili; 03-20-2015, 08:11 AM.
Reason: Justin said to put it back..
Well, well, well. It looks like the mystery has been solved...
Originally posted by Silverback
Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.