Originally posted by Broncojohnny
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Epic Moments In Your Life...
Originally posted by papapepper View Post
Man, most of mine have been negatives... the only real positives that stand out were graduating boot camp and making the deans list the first time after deciding to finally put forth an effort at school.
The negatives would have to be seeing my 2 best friends die.
The first was on St. Patty's 2000, and I was following my friend. He wasn't going real fast, maybe 45 or so, but took a turn a little wide, went in to a pretty deep ditch, came out hard and his door met a tree at full force. I tried to get him out but his legs were pinned, so I tried CPR in the car but he was dead on impact. Having to go back to his house without him, and having to explain what happened to his mom and little brother while covered in his blood was pretty rough.
My other buddy died in a bike wreck, August 6th 2007 because he was drunk and dicking around in traffic, and hit a van at about 80. I had seen him on the road about 5 minutes (one major intersection) before it happened. When I got the call, another friend told me "you need to come to the hospital" - I knew it was Mike. I figured he was just hurt again, but just as I got there, they stopped efforts to try and bring him back. When his mom - the sweetest old lady imaginable - got there, she just asked me... "Is he dead?"... just broke my heart. Then seeing his 2 year old daughter in the waiting room was just as bad...
I need a pick me up now...
Oh - I guess when I got hit by a drunk driver on Christmas a few years back and coming out unscratched was a good one, and seeing him stumble through his sobriety tests, and him complaining about having to take a shit the whole time was pretty funny. It was really funny when he said, "I'm telling you I have to take a SH... oh, damn it... God DAMN IT!" just before they had to put him in the car.Last edited by clevelandkid; 02-08-2011, 02:25 PM.
Originally posted by DOHCTR View PostIf this is true and you are not bullshitting, I will consider you the winner of this thread.
Well I found one of the chicks myspace page... She hasn't been on since 2007 though LOL.
Maybe this is proof of the other chick?
hi5 makes it easy to meet and socialize with new people through games, shared interests, friend suggestions, browsing profiles, and much more.
It says Garland, Tx. 24 years old. Sounds about right. No profile picture though.
Originally posted by papapepper View PostWell I found one of the chicks myspace page... She hasn't been on since 2007 though LOL.
Maybe this is proof of the other chick?
hi5 makes it easy to meet and socialize with new people through games, shared interests, friend suggestions, browsing profiles, and much more.
It says Garland, Tx. 24 years old. Sounds about right. No profile picture though.
Originally posted by papapepper View Post
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostIt pulls a vacuum on your soul.Originally posted by racrguyWhat's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?Originally posted by racrguyVoting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
Originally posted by Broncojohnny View PostKind of like a chick playing the rusty trombone?