The closest I ever came to meeting Rodney was when Big Matt was throwing him into the bushes after choking him and tossing him from the Halloween party for being drunk and belligerent. This was 15 years or so ago. (As I recall. Many years and beers between then and now.)
Since then it's been a long series of drama. Live and learn, and some people have to bang their head against a wall more than others before they figure stuff out and calm down. I get that.
Rodney, I ain't mad at ya, but you'll have to forgive me if I'm not throwing your welcome back party either.
oh he acting white now... but he'll be back to blacker than a mug in a few months!
it's a cycle that anyone who calls naynay a friend knows oh too well. Welcome back Rodney, keep naynay under wraps and we cool as the other side of the pillow