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Sony hackers threaten "9/11 style attacks"

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  • #76
    Originally posted by John -- '02 HAWK View Post
    yall are acting like it was going to make money going against American Sniper and Unbroken.

    I'm almost thinking that Sony is really behind #gop to cover for the initial hack and as an insane publicity stunt gone wrong as a reason to pull a poorly reviewed film out of the Christmas release lineup. So they can release it in Jan or Feb against less competition

    The projections were for around 120 million in ticket sales on a 35 million dollar or so budget, so yes, I'm sure it was going to do fine in wide release, being the only real comedy for the end of 2014 in theaters.


    • #77
      Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
      Except there WERE theaters that wanted to show it, and Sony pulled the movie. Why not let those that wanted to show it, show it?? There's plenty of movies that have "limited release". This would have been a de facto one.
      Well shit, man. You've got it all figured out. They should have checked with you first.


      • #78
        Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
        Hell I even agree with Obama about this shit. He said he thinks Sony made the wrong decision and set a bad precedent by letting dictators censor our movies. I can't believe I am saying it, but I agree with Obama. Thanks Sony.
        You agree with the guy who negotiated with terrorists for saying that he's disappointed in Sony for giving into terrorist demands? Cool beans.
        "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


        • #79
          Originally posted by Craizie View Post
          "Worst opening of any major movie, ever" The head lines read...
          LOL. A point, I suppose.

          Originally posted by jluv View Post
          Well shit, man. You've got it all figured out. They should have checked with you first.
          Naw, just seems like they took an easy way out. Where were these ownership claims when they pulled the plug? Only AFTER everybody criticized when they suddenly seem to say they had some courage.
          "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


          • #80
            Originally posted by HarrisonTX View Post
            I heard they were doing to take away Christmas next :/
            I heard he has his eye on the Big Mac.


            • #81
              So, it seems that someone has figured out a way to stop North Korean hackers.

              The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.


              • #82
                Originally posted by BP View Post
                So, it seems that someone has figured out a way to stop North Korean hackers.

                LOL. A DOS attack on NK's internet.

                I wonder how many trunks actually go in & out of NK? Could just have some accidental cable severing...
                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                • #83
                  I hope it's Anonymous instead of our government. At any rate, still funny.


                  • #84
                    hah haa raff our roud
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                    • #85
                      Team America: World Police Just Sold Out On Amazon Because AMERICA!

                      The Sony hacking scandal has been a butchered subject in the news as of late, but something terrific has come from it. After Sony pulled The Interview because of cyber threats seemingly linked with North Korea, movie fans were reminded of a certain 2004 comedy which had a similar plot including war against a North Korean dictator. Team America: World Police has been attracting some extra attention these past few days, so much so that it completely sold out on Amazon.

                      The renewed publicity on the film comes just in time for its 10th anniversary. When Sony yanked The Interview out of theaters, even though they claim that it was only because theaters would not show the film in response to cyber threats, a few theaters came up with the perfect response. Texas-based theater, Alamo Drafthouse, among many others decided to hold a 10th anniversary Team America viewing party in its place, pretty much as a big middle finger to the cyber threats claimed to be North Korean terrorists.

                      As a reminder, Team America: World Police, told with puppets, follows a hilarious American anti-terrorist force who will take down entire cities just to complete their anti-terrorist world mission. The main villain, the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il is intent world destruction, and Team America is out to defeat him using some strange skill sets. It’s a hilarious parody, that took major stabs at what anti-terrorism really means, and the ridiculous nature of the North Korean dictator at the time.

                      Since, the new comedy The Interview had a plot line including the assassination of current North Korean Dictator, Kim Jong-un, Team America: World Police was a perfect replacement. But, Paramount Pictures did not want to become involved and risk any cyber terrorism, so they would not offer the movie to be shown in those theaters.

                      Leave it to America, though, who puts the "F" back in Freedom, to give a big middle finger to all the studios and go straight to Amazon and buy it ourselves. Granted, they are probably seeing some profit from the skyrocket sales online, but not nearly as much so as theaters potentially could have. According to The Daily Caller, Team America: World Police is now the 5th best selling comedy on Amazon, and the 53rd best-selling DVD. A few days ago it was ranked 1,389th. So as the movie says ever so delicately, "America, F*** Yeah".


                      • #86


                        • #87
                          Going to be showing at Alamo Draft House too and you can order it on demand.

                          After a national clamor to release the film despite threats, Sony finds a way to get the Seth Rogen-James Franco comedy out there


                          • #88
                            How are they going to show it? I thought Sony pulled it.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                              How are they going to show it? I thought Sony pulled it.
                              sony reversed their stance


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                                How are they going to show it? I thought Sony pulled it.
                                News and shit.....

