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Custody Battle / Morality Clause

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  • Custody Battle / Morality Clause

    I have a question for anyone that may be a lawyer or have gone through a divorce or custody battle in Texas

    I have a girlfriend I have been dating now for 6 months. She has a small child and has been going through a custody battle now with her ex for over a year. It is supposed to go back to court in January and have everything finalized.

    She has a big shot lawyer and pays him what seems like a mortgage payment every month. The ex, up until now has been pro se and hasn't had a lawyer, even for the temporary orders that are in place.

    Lately, he has been a d!ck and has been threatening her with all sorts of things, most seem to just be threats. But his newest is he wants to add a morality clause where she would have to be married for me to stay the night when the child is present.

    so my question is this.... knowing that we have been dating 7+ months by the time the court comes around, I have no drug/criminal history, father myself with 50/50 split custody, etc etc etc... would the judge go for that? I understand the purpose of the clause... but seems silly given that I am already a part of the child's life to then just take that away. kinda defeats the purpose of what they are trying to do?

    obviously, not trying to run down to the justice of the peace tomorrow, so im just curious what others in a similar situation or a lawyer might think about this.

  • #2
    Very odd first post...
    Post pics of the girlfriend or ex girlfriends tits and you might get some good feedback...

    And welcome.
    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


    • #3
      I just hope you weren't trying to spell "Saleen"
      2012 GT500


      • #4
        never date a woman with kids


        • #5
          He's representing himself?! Balls... big balls.

          That is all.


          • #6
            Search "custody" on here and read.

            Good luck.


            • #7
              Figure the high price lawyer can get that clause thrown out easily.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cobraman View Post
                I just hope you weren't trying to spell "Saleen"
                Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                never date a woman with kids
                For sure this
                Originally posted by 03mustangdude View Post
                Figure the high price lawyer can get that clause thrown out easily.
                And to this I'll add: I don't know a judge in his right mind that would allow some shady shit like this to go through. The girl must be kinda bad for it to drag on even this long. Usually in Texas these are open and shut things with the guy taking the fuckin'.


                • #9
                  Since you're on the mother's side, she holds most of the cards. While I'm no divorce lawyer, that seems like a BS thing to throw in the paperwork just because he's bitter. If she doesn't agree to it, she can pretty much just tell him that's not going to happen. It's likely going to be something that can/should be negotiated before it goes to court. If he wants to be a stickler about that, just let the high priced lawyer work it out with the judge. I doubt it'll stick.

                  But more importantly: lots of fish in the sea, man. Many of those fish don't have kids. Just sayin.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by racrguy View Post

                    And to this I'll add: I don't know a judge in his right mind that would allow some shady shit like this to go through. The girl must be kinda bad for it to drag on even this long. Usually in Texas these are open and shut things with the guy taking the fuckin'.
                    Morality clauses absolutely exist in some states, and they certainly do in TX. That doesn't mean he can get the judge to agree to it. Custody battles can be long and drawn out for a variety of reasons, so I can't support the sentiment that she's "bad". She could be, I don't know. But the amount of time that has passed doesn't necessarily mean that.
                    Originally posted by BradM
                    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                    Originally posted by Leah
                    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                      Morality clauses absolutely exist in some states, and they certainly do in TX. That doesn't mean he can get the judge to agree to it. Custody battles can be long and drawn out for a variety of reasons, so I can't support the sentiment that she's "bad". She could be, I don't know. But the amount of time that has passed doesn't necessarily mean that.
                      Fair enough. Morality clauses are bullshit, IMO.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                        Fair enough. Morality clauses are bullshit, IMO.
                        Your entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. I have one now for an ongoing current battle. It's not about being pissed at the ex, but more for the safety of your daughter/son. There is nothing that would infuriate me more than to find out my daughter was abused by my ex's s/o. It's easier to take it out of the equation to be safe.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CJ-95GT View Post
                          Your entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. I have one now for an ongoing current battle. It's not about being pissed at the ex, but more for the safety of your daughter/son. There is nothing that would infuriate me more than to find out my daughter was abused by my ex's s/o. It's easier to take it out of the equation to be safe.
                          Uhhhh. Would a person that would abuse your child not abuse them after they were married, or during the daylight hours? I don't see how they would prevent anything. If they would, please enlighten me as to how, from my perspective they seem like a mechanism for control over the other person's life after the primary mechanism has ended.


                          • #14
                            I made sure it was in my divorce, NO overnight guests that are not family. I don't give a shit who she might be screwing but I do give a shit if she is doing it around my daughter


                            • #15
                              send me a 2500.00 retainer and Ill get all this squared away. PM me

