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Guy at service King... Need Stat!

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  • mikeb
    Originally posted by Leah View Post
    That was a scary phone call and one that I was not ever looking forward to.
    You ain't kidding Leah. I got one of those phone calls from my ex in Texas when I was working in San Diego. When she starts out saying "first of all, she's all right" you know something bad happened.

    She only had it 90 days before doing this. The airbag deployed and she walked away without a scratch. Love those tough jeeps.
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  • Leah
    Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
    I would avoid Service King...period.
    We're still waiting on the other person's insurance to get back with us before we make any decisions. There are a lot of factors involved so until we know all the details, we won't be making any decisions.

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  • GeorgeG.
    I would avoid Service King...period.

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  • mstng86
    I am sure most of us on here have wrecked a car, and possibly our first car.

    I know how the kid feels. My mom gave me my 86 when I turned 16 and I promptly wrecked it months later. So I have been in his shoes. I was told repeatedly by everyone that I should just get rid of it. I looked at it differently though. I knew nothing about cars at the time and thought it was a really good way for me to learn. It took a couple years but I worked on it with my uncle and got it painted and put back together. It really was a great learning experience. It made me understand why you pay so much for body and mechanic work and I learned alot of valuable information.

    I say fix it.

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  • red89notch
    That shit will buff out, just give Nick a call.

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  • Baron Von Crowder
    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    It has a custom built AOD from Mike's trick shift with a stall.

    better than rowing gears and having to replace clutches, clutch cables, quadrants, and trannies!

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  • Silverback
    Originally posted by Leah View Post
    We'll talk after you put a stick in it.
    It has a custom built AOD from Mike's trick shift with a stall.

    better than rowing gears and having to replace clutches, clutch cables, quadrants, and trannies!

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  • Leah
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    Be sure to stress to him that material possessions are not that important. Sounds like he more than likes a car. That's not healthy.
    I'm not worried that it's to the point of being unhealthy, it just meant a lot to him. He's already looking for a replacement and is wanting a GT instead of an LX. I'm almost positive it was just the emotions from being in an accident, losing his ability to drive (which he loves) and his car.
    Originally posted by diablo rojo View Post
    I'm sure we're all sentimental about our first some extent.

    Really glad he's ok Lea.
    Thanks. Us, too. That was a scary phone call and one that I was not ever looking forward to. When I first answered, I knew it wasn't going to be good only because I knew he should be in school, then when he was crying hysterically, my heart froze. My first question was "Are you ok??" and once he said he was, I went into calm, mom mode so he would calm down. I got there in about 5 minutes and when I walked up, he just hugged me and cried.

    I remember my first wreck and it's emotional, especially since there's already a billion emotions going through a teenage boy's body. lol

    Everything will be ok, he'll get a new car and all will be right in the universe. We can replace the car, I wouldn't know what to do if he had been seriously injured.

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    Originally posted by Leah View Post
    Just got off the phone with her insurance and the good news is that they use current value based on vehicles for sale and will adjust for low mileage and condition. So hopefully, we will be able to upgrade him a bit. He's really sore today. His back and neck are hurting pretty good so it looks like we'll be heading to the ER at some point (per the insurance). I tried to just take him to his regular doctor, but they and the insurance insisted we take him to ER. Hopefully it's just soreness and an achy heart. He is just crushed and keeps looking at pics of it. I don't think many people understand how much he loves that car. Poor kid..

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  • diablo rojo
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    Be sure to stress to him that material possessions are not that important. Sounds like he more than likes a car. That's not healthy.
    I'm sure we're all sentimental about our first some extent.

    Really glad he's ok Lea.

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  • Denny
    Originally posted by Leah View Post
    Just got off the phone with her insurance and the good news is that they use current value based on vehicles for sale and will adjust for low mileage and condition. So hopefully, we will be able to upgrade him a bit. He's really sore today. His back and neck are hurting pretty good so it looks like we'll be heading to the ER at some point (per the insurance). I tried to just take him to his regular doctor, but they and the insurance insisted we take him to ER. Hopefully it's just soreness and an achy heart. He is just crushed and keeps looking at pics of it. I don't think many people understand how much he loves that car. Poor kid..
    Be sure to stress to him that material possessions are not that important. Sounds like he more than likes a car. That's not healthy.

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  • Leah
    Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
    He will be allight, vehicles can be replaced, a person can't be. Where is the car at?
    It's at service King in Irving. Herblownsnakes husband is the manager there so knew it would be taken care of until we could figure out what to do with it. And you're right. The most important thing is that he's OK. That phone call scared me to death.

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  • Scott Mc
    He will be allight, vehicles can be replaced, a person can't be. Where is the car at?

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  • Leah
    Just got off the phone with her insurance and the good news is that they use current value based on vehicles for sale and will adjust for low mileage and condition. So hopefully, we will be able to upgrade him a bit. He's really sore today. His back and neck are hurting pretty good so it looks like we'll be heading to the ER at some point (per the insurance). I tried to just take him to his regular doctor, but they and the insurance insisted we take him to ER. Hopefully it's just soreness and an achy heart. He is just crushed and keeps looking at pics of it. I don't think many people understand how much he loves that car. Poor kid..

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  • Denny
    Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
    What's really funny is I thought I would have to override my phone's spell check to get it through.

    Nope, it was the first suggestion as I typed 'irr'
    Irrational phone.

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