Of course to seal the deal, the banana peel, granola bar wrapper, drink cup (or can/bottle), and rib bones should be tossed into your trash can instead of theirs.
I eat at my desk. But I have the same thing every day. Ham and cheese sandwich (no smell), 10 pringles (slight crunchy noise) and 5 fig newtons. With water.
The reason I do this is I can finish up some work while eating, then take a full hour to do errands or personal research.
I've smelled someone cooking trout all the way down the hallway in the kitchen. Or gumbo. Or some other horrid smell. So it's not just peeps at their desk that can ruin your nostrils.
I eat multiple meals per day at my desk. Good smelling food. I also eat in under five minutes and wash my containers. The biggest problem I see is stupid mother fuckers putting trash in the recycling bin and recycling in the trash bin. It doesn't help when the cleaning crew comes in at night and puts it all in the same fucking trash can.