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Office people eating at their desks

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  • #16
    What really pisses me off, most of these offenders don't do any of this to save time .

    They leave for lunch, go for the allotted time +/- 25 minutes then , return
    make me put up with the noxious smells annoying sounds all the while take another 30-40 minutes and the entire time, the phone rings and I'm the only one willing to answer it since they have mouths full of last nights dinners


    • #17
      I hate doing it, but do it nearly everyday. Can waste an hour out and about for lunch or go home at a decent time by working through lunch.

      I approve of it, with some basic manners courtesies/common sense applied.
      Originally posted by MR EDD
      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


      • #18
        I think ive burnt popcorn once in my life. Now i am a nazi and watch it spin and shut it down early.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chili View Post
          My last office had a no popcorn rule after numerous burnt popcorn episodes. lol
          We had the same rule at my old office... Usually we let the new people figure it out on their own, its funny seeing them scramble when the boss is rampaging at the smell of popcorn.


          • #20
            Almost every day, at least when I eat lunch....even when I'm at my home office. However, I'm not Indian or Asian so I don't eat stinky or offensive stuff....and I have my own office anyway so its a moot point.

            I usually use the time to catch up emails or read over reports....never conference calls or anything that is engaging with others.
            70' Chevelle RagTop
            (Forever Under Construction)

            "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


            • #21
              Dissaprove thats what the break room is for. Nobody wants to smell your Curry
              Check your self bro , you're not that cool.


              • #22
                Originally posted by paul_376 View Post
                Dissaprove thats what the break room is for. Nobody wants to smell your Curry
                Fuck break rooms.. At my desk I have a much more comfortable chair, a 22" monitor with nearly unrestricted internet access, I don't have to acknowledge every jackwagon that walks in....


                • #23
                  We all eat at our desks at work. But there's only 3 to 5 of us there LOOOOL.

                  Plus it helps that we all have manners.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Chili View Post
                    Fuck break rooms.. At my desk I have a much more comfortable chair, a 22" monitor with nearly unrestricted internet access, I don't have to acknowledge every jackwagon that walks in....
                    This, I can shut my door and relax much more watching Netflix on my iPad at lunch than I can by watching family fucking feud in the break room with all the mouth breathers.


                    • #25
                      As long as it isn't broccoli in the microwave or tuna, zero fucks are given.

                      It's just not cool to bomb people with your stinky lunch choice.


                      • #26
                        I always eat at my desk. But our break rooms are small and always crowded at lunch time and I only go into the office once a week anyway.


                        • #27
                          A banana, a granola bar, cold drink , fine .. Last nights left over spare ribs stinking up my work area , sorry not hip to that


                          • #28
                            I'm okay with it as long as it's not disruptive to your neighbors. Kind of like people listening to the radio. I better not get any TPS reports with food/drink smears on them. Also, I don't think eating at your desk means you can leave early. Working through a designated break period is your choice.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by TRAILBLAZER View Post
                              A banana, a granola bar, cold drink , fine .. Last nights left over spare ribs stinking up my work area , sorry not hip to that
                              Just ask to be moved.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by TRAILBLAZER View Post
                                A banana, a granola bar, cold drink , fine .. Last nights left over spare ribs stinking up my work area , sorry not hip to that
                                Of course to seal the deal, the banana peel, granola bar wrapper, drink cup (or can/bottle), and rib bones should be tossed into your trash can instead of theirs.

