Kids (Boys, 5 and 4) : PS3 or Wii (leaning PS3, but lots of $$) , AR-15 trigger kit, Remote control boats 4 pool, Maybe buy them another slot car set and this time bolt it to a wood frame so they don't lose all the pieces in a month.
iPod touch for my 8 year old an a nice airsoft gun for my 10 year old. For my 2 year old we'll probably just get some of his existing toys, wrap them up and give them to him - he won't know any better. Just kidding of course...
Not sure, already got Kinect for the kids to play with. Probably more video games for the boys and clothes for my daughter. Dont know about the wife, maybe some cowboys and UT gear.
For my 2 year old we'll probably just get some of his existing toys, wrap them up and give them to him - he won't know any better. Just kidding of course...
No joke-I did this a few times when they were young just to make it look like there was more-plus they had so many, they never knew the difference.
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
The 3 yr old is getting the Dodge Charger cop car power wheels. And its getting tricked out with some ebay red and blue flashing emergency stobe lights. Im sure half my neighbors will be running when they see the red and blues on.