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Got My Truck Broken Into

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  • #16
    Sucks to hear man, got my DD broken into last week and since they didn't get much of value I'm guessing that's why they went next door and stole my neighbors car which was later found at the local Home depot via


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mike69 View Post
      Truck was locked. They pushed in the key hole on my passenger door. Just a empty hole there now. They took at least 5K worth of stuff. I've should have known better but wasn't thinking straight. Was in a hurry and figured it would be ok. My truck is old, dirty and nothing special.
      $5k worth of personal property in an old dirty truck? Yeah your claim is going to go to SIU.


      • #18
        Originally posted by A_A_G View Post
        $5k worth of personal property in an old dirty truck? Yeah your claim is going to go to SIU.
        Everybody keeps a spare Picasso in their car these days man.


        • #19
          Truck is a 2001 F150 and most people consider that as old. It's mine, gets me to where I want & need to be & have no issues with it. Plus being paid off for years is a great. Inside my oakley backpack was my expensive laptop, oakley prescription sunglasses, Ipad, Ipod, DSLR Camera, streamlight flashlight, extra pair of eye glasses, watch & gps. They also took my girlfriends coach purse which I bought & all her belongings in it. Last but not least is my expensive accordion. That's right a accordion, I am a beaner & enjoy playing it while drinking lots of cold beer. Ha...


          • #20
            This guy... lol


            • #21
              You guys are crazy for leaving anything in your vehicle.


              • #22
                Spoke with my home owners insurance and they said everything would be covered but I have a $1900 deductible and they would probably need some sort of proof like receipts, photos or bank statements. I have no receipts or photos of those items. Might have a couple of receipts for the cheaper items but my laptop and accordion were purchased a couple years ago and I paid cash for them. They said it will be up to the adjuster to make the final decision.


                • #23
                  that sucks....good luck with it though. Where did this happen?


                  • #24
                    Mike , hate to hear u got robbed an the fact u play an accordion, Lol. Seriously, it sucks to be robbed. Left my car an my girlfriend's car unlocked an kids cleaned them out a couple months ago


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by EW View Post
                      You guys are crazy for leaving anything in your vehicle.
                      No shit. I also park in this thing called a "garage". I know, I'm weird.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                        No shit. I also park in this thing called a "garage". I know, I'm weird.
                        You are weird.

                        Thats where I park my clapped out foxbody.


                        • #27
                          Looks like someome should have carried personal insurance on each item.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by EW View Post
                            You guys are crazy for leaving anything in your vehicle.
                            says the guy that sells $5k, $10k, even higher car audio systems....


                            • #29
                              Learn much from this topic


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                                says the guy that sells $5k, $10k, even higher car audio systems....
                                True, but I have an elaborate security system that notifies me by phone and pages the remote if someone is around the outside of my vehicle or if the alarm is triggered AND I remove radio faceplate, sunglasses, phone, tools, etc every night. Your vehicle is only as secure as a piece of glass so anything can happen but if you leave a backpack in a car a thief is going to think there is a laptop or other electronics in there. Sometimes people say their wallet was stolen out of their car. Why? Why is your wallet left in your vehicle?

