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Extreme headache

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    Was giving the old lady the business this afternoon and had an extremely intense headache on the left side of my head on the side. Enough so to make me stop. I tried to fight through it and was just about there but it kept getting worse and I had to stop. I was down for the count.

    Anyone have that happen before? Is it a sign of high blood pressure or something? I've had a small headache since yesterday but I assumed it was sinuses or a head cold.
    Do not ignore it. I had a really bad headache Tuesday night, chalked it up to a strong drink, pounded advil and chugged water. Woke up with even stronger headache, took more motrin and water. Got up a few hours later and could not walk, took everything to make it to bathroom then down to lobby. Turns out, from what I was told today my blood pressure at 186ish over 116ish triggered vertigo. I also found out the MRI I had done while looking into the vertigo cause yielded a black spot on my mid brain. Not sure what it is but praying for the best while we start doing more testing this week.

    Long story short your body is telling you something, listen to it and get it checked out.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SMKR View Post
      Do not ignore it. I had a really bad headache Tuesday night, chalked it up to a strong drink, pounded advil and chugged water. Woke up with even stronger headache, took more motrin and water. Got up a few hours later and could not walk, took everything to make it to bathroom then down to lobby. Turns out, from what I was told today my blood pressure at 186ish over 116ish triggered vertigo. I also found out the MRI I had done while looking into the vertigo cause yielded a black spot on my mid brain. Not sure what it is but praying for the best while we start doing more testing this week.

      Long story short your body is telling you something, listen to it and get it checked out.

      Damn man. Hope you're okay.


      • #18
        Could be a head bleed


        • #19
          What 8MPG said.

          Usually the bleed will give a very sudden onset of symptoms and usually described as the worst headache EVER...

          W/ that said:

          I took a lady to the hospital last week who had a sudden onset of an extreme headache. She was like 40 years old and looked like she was just drama. Turns out she had a slow bleed and I ended up taking her to a bigger hospital for surgery.


          • #20
            Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
            Could be a head bleed
            I thought that too but the neurologist said blood on the MRI is white, not black. :/


            • #21
              Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
              Jesus! You can sleep after all that!
              Yes. All of my meds are downers. Every one of them. There's not really a difference between me on energy drinks and me without, I run full out the moment my eyes open
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

