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Air Show Sunday....

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  • #31
    I was pretty disappointed this year. I bought the family 4 pack with VIP parking. The lines in were worse then I've ever experienced, and the parking attendants didn't seem to know anything other then to wave the flag and tell me, "park here". I tried to go with the flow, but I got pretty annoyed after parking in general and then having to walk the entire length of the air field to redeem my 4 pack voucher at the place I knew I should be parking to begin with. Then everything was pretty boring, and there was quite a bit of the nickel and dime'ing it felt like. To their credit, they did seem to adjust several things for Sunday, but that didn't help those of us who got screwed on Saturday. I'll probably skip the next year, my kids didn't really care for much other then the bounce houses anyway (3 and 6 year olds).


    • #32
      Originally posted by David View Post
      Too much fucking down time. Once I've seen one parachutist I've seen them all. I want loud ass jets, dangerous manuvers, and lots of what america is about. And agree at the lack of planes on display. I'll just sit on the highway next time at 3:00.
      Agreed. I was wanting more noise and fire. As far as modern military aircraft there was a B52, an F16, and a couple of F5's. BFD...


      • #33
        Hotrod66stang- You in LDE, too?
        Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Winston Churchill


        • #34
          Two years ago was pretty good. Lots of jet act, snow birds, thunderbird, etc.


          • #35
            Originally posted by razrbak View Post
            Hotrod66stang- You in LDE, too?
            Pretty sure I live next door to you. I'll buy that spare weedeater from you if you still have it.


            • #36
              Borrowed my dad's Sony NEX-5N and got some pics from this weekend. It did alright with the static stuff, didn't do so well with the action stuff.

              Originally posted by Jester
              Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
              He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
              Originally posted by Denny
              What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
              FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


              • #37
                Originally posted by hotrod66stang View Post
                Nice to meet you. I was the guy that commented on your hat on Saturday. AJ was already gone when y'all came by (we relieved them around 1330). Your wife's hat was the FWFD hockey hat, right?
                Correct. My kids were talking about that fire truck after we left.

                Originally posted by David View Post
                That was one boring ass show until the thunderbirds.
                Originally posted by David View Post
                Too much fucking down time. Once I've seen one parachutist I've seen them all. I want loud ass jets, dangerous manuvers, and lots of what america is about. And agree at the lack of planes on display. I'll just sit on the highway next time at 3:00.
                X2. I couldn't believe it was silent about 1:30 until Thunderbirds time. Where were all the technical demos? No cool fly byes by...anything... Only 2 jets the whole time, the T-38 and T-33. More parachutists than any other Alliance Air Show that I can remember. The static displays were weak, too, IMO. Not that I don't like prop planes, but there was no military showing. Only 2 "modern" jet fighters...F-16 and F-5. No attack copters (except the Hind). No modern bombers (just the B-52). It was more of a carnival with all the food tents and bounce houses with just some airplanes in the background. *sigh*
                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                • #38
                  All are valid complaints. Keep in mind who the POTUS is and who is running congress, there isn't as much money for air shows as in years past. I'm sure some of you watched the World Series, how many flyovers did you see? I remember one and it was the first game.

                  The Thunderbirds operate as part of the recruiting budget, everything else you saw was privately owned. When you do see something military it's probably because the local command has booked the flight as training time. Since the Alliance show competes with the local bases show though who do you think gets the demo flights?

                  Yeah it sucks but at least we got something. Thankfully there are several local clubs/museums that offered aircraft or it would have been even worse.


                  • #39
                    I usually go to the Alliance Air Show but the displays and the performers that they had online wasn't going to be worth the trip IMO.

                    Other than a few sporting events they don't do flyovers anymore.
                    Los Angeles Rams 11-5
                    Last Game - Loss vs. San Fransisco
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