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Nurse accused of killing 38 patients she found "annoying."

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
    Just to be clear, the offending word we are talking about is N aggers...
    Must be left over from when there were a ton of replacement words added. Admin will have to change it back. i thought you may have posted a link to the pic and it had the real deal in the url.


    • #17
      Originally posted by jluv View Post
      You picked an odd thread to rant about annoying patients. It could easily be perceived that you are defending and/or sympathizing with this crazy bitch.

      Lots of people have to deal with other people (good or bad) for a living. Most health care professionals are relatively well compensated for it. If it bothers them that much, they should go do something else.
      I have nothing to worry about as I actually do really well for my patients. If you are at my hospital and are sick, Im one of the most hardworking people that will help you. If you are coding, you want me there and all my coworkers will tell you the same. To clarify, I dont condone her actions....just doesnt surprise me.

      Just from what I have seen and heard over the years, it wouldnt surprise me that there are people out there that would do something like this. There is a huge population of bitter, burnt out and jaded healthcare workers out there. Many wont admit it openly but you can see it in their lack of care or how fast they are to jump on the bandwagon when people say something funny or considered not so friendly. While it seemed it was more the older generation of healthcare workers that have been doing this for 20 years that were jaded, I can see people that have only been doing this for a year or two who just dont care. Working in a pretty sick ICU, people die all the time. When another patient dies, it just a part of everyday life. Not many people feel 'sad' for the patient or the family. They just see it as time to finally take a lunch break. There are some great people out there that love their job... but I just dont see it as often. Healthcare is evolving from helping people to a numbers game and it is seen in the workers. When food quality is more important patient outcome...we have a problem. When wait times and throughput times are more important than helping the truly sick people...we have a problem.
      Last edited by 8mpg; 10-14-2014, 07:25 PM.


      • #18
        Any body want some pizza?


        • #19
          And you guys are worried about the cops killing you? How often do you hear about a nurse or doctor getting charged ? Hell that doctor at Baylor that killed and paralyzed all those people, they covered his ass..
          Here's some stats to slap ya:

          In 2010, the Office of Inspector General for Health and Human Services said that bad hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 patients in Medicare alone in a given year.

          Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death, the study says.


          • #20
            Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
            And you guys are worried about the cops killing you? How often do you hear about a nurse or doctor getting charged ? Hell that doctor at Baylor that killed and paralyzed all those people, they covered his ass..
            Here's some stats to slap ya:

            In 2010, the Office of Inspector General for Health and Human Services said that bad hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 patients in Medicare alone in a given year.

            Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death, the study says.
            I didnt read the article but I read an article that showed how patient satisfaction is leading to patient death though this is what the government is wanting.

            Just remember that preventable death isnt exactly that simple. No one knows everything and there are often misdiagnosis of patients. Preventable probably includes "lack of education to patients" where patients may or may not receive the information they need and not care. We continually see dialysis patients that fluid overload themselves and have to come to the hospital. They know better yet they dont care. Then Drs and hospitals are blamed for not preventing the patient from doing this to themselves.


            • #21
              Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
              Just remember that preventable death isnt exactly that simple.
              All these are on the healthcare workers according to the article.
              And I have seen this firsthand. My mother's care was extremely poor at a certain hospital. She should have never been there, they suck. But the FD took her there because it was close. She fell and broke her shoulder. She's 75. They had her so doped up and couldn't handle all her other issues. They just kept feeding her pain meds so they didn't have to deal with her. If we had not force transferred her to Baylor, she would have died.
              There's some really AWESOME people in healthcare and there are some real idiots that I wouldn't let care for my dog. Those idiots are killing a shit ton of people every year
              Last edited by dcs13; 10-14-2014, 07:46 PM. Reason: added


              • #22
                Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                All these are on the healthcare workers according to the article.
                And I have seen this firsthand. My mother's care was extremely poor at a certain hospital. She should have never been there, they suck. But the FD took her there because it was close. She fell and broke her shoulder. She's 75. They had her so doped up and couldn't handle all her other issues. They just kept feeding her pain meds so they didn't have to deal with her. If we had not force transferred her to Baylor, she would have died.
                There's some really AWESOME people in healthcare and there are some real idiots that I wouldn't let care for my dog. Those idiots are killing a shit ton of people every year
                While I wasnt there, Id like to know the circumstances that a broken shoulder would have lead to death due to poor healthcare. I have seen some poor healthcare over the last few years. We in healthcare (due to the government now) have to treat pain and treat it adequately to the patient. The pain is what the patient says it is. If a patient complains of a 8 out of 10 pain, you give them stronger meds as long as they keep breathing. If you dont adequately treat the pain, the patient and the family says its horrible healthcare and the patient might die. Nurses are almost robots these days when it comes to pain meds due to patient satisfaction surveys.


                • #23
                  8mpg summed it up. Many treat a RN as a butler or maid. I hate fat people too, taking care of 600 pound needy women that our gov are subsidizing was never a easy job. When they send a$10k + bed to the room you know it's a fun pt. I do not miss many parts of it! especially the ones who thought it was a hotel with room service. She needed to find a different area to practice nursing, direct care is never easy

                  A lot of nurses just don't give a shit and are burned out. I saw a lot of burn out. I always did a great job and never had a pt complaint


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
                    I wouldnt doubt it...nurses joke around all the time about "pillow therapy" with annoying patients. It is simple though...if you dont want to be treated like an asshole, dont be an asshole. Same goes with the family. People get into healthcare to help people. People go into the hospital thinking its a god damn hotel with personal butler service. Family members cant ever seem to comprehend that being 400lbs, have congestive heart failure, kidney failure, etc would ever lead to people dying. Nope, they blame the nurses and doctors because we are racist or we wanted to harvest their fat ass organs.
                    I try like hell to be nice to nurses, but sometimes they just flat out suck. You try having your abs sliced open and have them put your piss bucket out of reach, then have to wait 30 minutes after calling to get the damn thing. See how your mood is after that one.

                    Then try having to keep guard and check every fucking thing they give you because they don't bother to read the damned allergy wrist band. Big red band says "Allergic to lactose", then they give me hospital meds with lactose binders and milk for breakfast. It's no big deal if I take a lactaid, but they have to tell me whats in it.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by JC316 View Post
                      I try like hell to be nice to nurses, but sometimes they just flat out suck. You try having your abs sliced open and have them put your piss bucket out of reach, then have to wait 30 minutes after calling to get the damn thing. See how your mood is after that one.

                      Then try having to keep guard and check every fucking thing they give you because they don't bother to read the damned allergy wrist band. Big red band says "Allergic to lactose", then they give me hospital meds with lactose binders and milk for breakfast. It's no big deal if I take a lactaid, but they have to tell me whats in it.
                      interesting... You seem like a nice guy and Im sure the nurses love you.


                      • #26
                        If I killed everyone I thought was annoying, there would only be a handful of people left on the planet.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
                          interesting... You seem like a nice guy and Im sure the nurses love you.
                          I'm a hell of a nice guy and the nurses do like me. I'm friendly, polite, and very low maintenance, but I tend to get real annoyed when I don't receive basic care and courtesy. You have to understand that when I'm in the hospital, it's for a disease that causes severe stomach pain. Care to guess what symptoms milk gives me?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by JC316 View Post
                            Care to guess what symptoms milk gives me?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by UserX View Post
                              Close. Painful gas and cramping, which the doctors then mistake for the disease.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by JC316 View Post
                                I'm a hell of a nice guy and the nurses do like me. I'm friendly, polite, and very low maintenance, but I tend to get real annoyed when I don't receive basic care and courtesy. You have to understand that when I'm in the hospital, it's for a disease that causes severe stomach pain. Care to guess what symptoms milk gives me?
                                Well then you know better than to drink milk or eat milk products. There are so many allergies out there, how can we know and be perfect for all of them. Med allergies, food allergies... then you have people who say they have an allergy to it and they dont...they experience side effects of it. There is no perfect healthcare and if you getting milk products you know you shouldnt eat is the worst thing you can bitch about, Im sorry your treatment is so horrible.

