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Anyone ever mounted a satellite dish on a custom mount?

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  • Anyone ever mounted a satellite dish on a custom mount?

    Direct TV is going to install service at my girlfriends apartment and the apt. complex office stipulations say that it cannot be affixed to any of their structures, railing, or on a pole stuck in the ground outside the (first floor, which she lives on) balcony.

    Which means some kind of platform with a pole that has a custom swivel telescoping contraption that either someone sells, or I'm going to make.

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    5 gallon bucket and concrete. Stick a post in it to mount the dish. It's not attached to anything and can be picked up and moved if needed. My buddy did this at his apartment complex to get around their stupid rules.


    • #3
      See a bunch when tailgating. People use 5 gal buckets with a short pole cemented in the center. Heavy enough to stay put but light enough to be mobile. Cheap and simple.

      Edit: Beat me to it!


      • #4
        I've seen people actually take a 5 gallon bucket, a pole and concrete. What they do is secure the pole in the bucket with the concrete. You can then attach the satellite to the aforementioned pole.


        • #5
          Ok. Kinda what I was thinking as well. Yeah their rules also stipulate having renters insurance and providing a non-refundable 200 dollar deposit, which I cannot figure out what is covered by that, since after all, nothing is affixed to their structure.

          I also am not entitled to know since I am not on the lease.... but she did not get a straight answer from them on that issue. She asked if they were simply trying to discourage tenants from getting Direct TV, which they denied, although I am quite sure that's the case.

          I can see why they wouldn't want a billion satellite dishes everywhere. But fuck em, I want one to be there.


          • #6
            The last time I needed to do something like that I just got a 5 gallon bucket, a pole and a bag of quickcrete. YMMV


            • #7
              Home Depot 5 gallon bucket, concrete, metal fence pole is how I made mine for my travel trailer.


              • #8
                Originally posted by SMKR View Post
                Home Depot 5 gallon bucket, concrete, metal fence pole is how I made mine for my travel trailer.
                I was wondering if a pickle bucket would work just as good?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 93LXHORSE View Post
                  I was wondering if a pickle bucket would work just as good?
                  i think so, just as long as it can keep it upright without moving in a little bit of wind......


                  • #10
                    I think I bought a little tripod from DirectTV when I had an apartment.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        I take one of these with me to weekend events


                        • #13
                          *replace cat with satellite dish. No pole, no hardware, just the dish.

                          I did this for a little over two years with no problem.

