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Arlington "Cop Watchers" and Open Carry moron arrested

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  • #16
    I could give a shit less about these clowns, they are just trying to provoke the police into doing something. That's my problem with groups like these. They aren't trying to help anything or do anything constructive. They are there just for their own attention and a spot on the nightly news. Same goes for the open carry crowd.


    • #17
      Originally posted by blownaltered View Post
      Same goes for the open carry crowd.
      The guy that got arrested in the OP is the same dude from all the local open carry events.
      Originally posted by Broncojohnny
      Would you like your reparations in 5.56mm or 7.62mm?


      • #18
        Originally posted by ftp View Post
        Here is video of the incident. It sure doesn't match the way the police chief described it, go figure.
        Even the video illustrates them being jackasses.


        • #19
          Your argument is lost on the other party (cops) when every other word is profanity. The way they pulled the female out of the crowd was ridiculous though.
          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


          • #20
            So he wasn't getting enough public attention open carrying so now he has to get his few friends together and fuck with APD?? Why can't someone jack with someone that actually needs it, like DWG....


            • #21
              Originally posted by phaux View Post
              So he wasn't getting enough public attention open carrying so now he has to get his few friends together and fuck with APD?? Why can't someone jack with someone that actually needs it, like DWG....
              Because DWG=Homie the Clown.


              • #22
                Originally posted by phaux View Post
                So he wasn't getting enough public attention open carrying so now he has to get his few friends together and fuck with APD?? Why can't someone jack with someone that actually needs it, like DWG....

                I know a few of those guys, he'd end up at the bottom of Lake Arlington..


                • #23
                  Originally posted by talisman View Post
                  I know a few of those guys, he'd end up at the bottom of Lake Arlington..
                  I can't stand that place. Every time I've gotten pulled over they dump tickets on me, and I'm not some dude that hates cops and gives them an attitude. Everyone has been bs and gotten dismissed.

                  I once got a ticket for not having a current address on my license. When I informed the cop I was in the military and showed him my ID, and then let him know it was a federal law I didn't have to change it due to me moving around a lot, he told me "to bad, take it up with the judge.

                  Another time I received a ticket for not having my head lights on... during daylight! Had to go to court twice for an hour each to get it dismissed and the jackwagon of a prosecutor kept trying to get me to do a plea bargain on it, finally they dropped it. That place is run by a bunch of lobotomized monkey's.

                  I could go on and on with stories of that place, but I digress


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by phaux View Post
                    I can't stand that place. Every time I've gotten pulled over they dump tickets on me, and I'm not some dude that hates cops and gives them an attitude. Everyone has been bs and gotten dismissed.

                    I once got a ticket for not having a current address on my license. When I informed the cop I was in the military and showed him my ID, and then let him know it was a federal law I didn't have to change it due to me moving around a lot, he told me "to bad, take it up with the judge.

                    Another time I received a ticket for not having my head lights on... during daylight! Had to go to court twice for an hour each to get it dismissed and the jackwagon of a prosecutor kept trying to get me to do a plea bargain on it, finally they dropped it. That place is run by a bunch of lobotomized monkey's.

                    I could go on and on with stories of that place, but I digress

                    Sounds typical. I have no idea how I avoided ever getting a ticket in DWG or Pantego while regularly driving through them both off and on for 15 years. I was in my '69 Charger with expired tags and inspection and a DWG guy followed me into the O'Reilly parking lot. He stopped behind me but didn't have his lights on, so I just got out of the car and started walking towards the store. lol He yelled "Where are you going?!" and I pointed at the store and said "to work." He told me my tags were out, I said I knew and would get them fixed. Can't believe I didn't get a ticket out of that one.

                    One of the Pantego guys even gave me a ride to the store when my fucking SVO predictably broke down on Pioneer one night. That dude asked me if I wanted to see what his squad car had and nailed it leaving a light. LOL


                    • #25
                      Oh the humanity... Even more entertaining is the cop message board making fun of him at the end. Here's a direct link to that forum and thread:

                      A Cop Watcher Was Almost Killed by a Drunk Driver After Surveilling a DWI Checkpoint

                      You can't make this stuff up. Early on the morning of November 25, Kory Watkins, cop-watcher extraordinaire and face of Open Carry Tarrant County, says he was hit by a drunk driver on his way home from a cop watch. The watch's target? A DWI checkpoint.
                      In Watkins own words (via Facebook):

                      "So last night on my way home from cop watching a drunk driver was going around 100 mph and smashed into the back of me, I could not control the car , I went sideways, then flipped 3 times, hit a cement piller to stop my roll and put me in a ditch on The side of 287. I was 2 miles always from being home. I am incredible lucky to be breathing. I can't tell you how lucky I am to be alive."

                      The post, which has since be deleted, also included this:

                      "I see a few sick I individuals taken time to think this is a joke or it's funny that the cops helped me, Let me say this. I am happy the police showed up to catch him but I'm trying to figure out where they helped me any..... Was it the part where they showed up 15 minutes after the crime or was it when they wrote me a 300$ ticket after my car was totaled ? Any sick fuck that thinks this is the time to crack irony jokes can go the he'll away. I'm lucky to be alive. There are some sick people that try to take a situation and spin it to fit their beliefs when they don't know crap. Some sick people .... Mother Fucker almost dies and people are joking about it. Disgusting."

                      We called Watkins to make sure the post, first quoted by the Shore News Network was legit. He confirmed the first statement was his, but said he could neither "confirm nor deny" he'd made the second. He declined to comment further so as not to mess up his insurance claim.

                      That concern does not extend to Facebook, obviously. Monday night, Watkins took to the social network to expound on his mixed feelings about drunk driving.

                      "Drunk driving.
                      I guess I have to explain it for all the people who are claiming I support drunk driving by exposing DUI checkpoints and saying no victim, no crime when it comes to drunk driving. "Kory got what was coming to him, what comes around goes around." Hey, I know if you read this you won't fully digest it, because your brain does not have enough room for self thinking. I do not support drunk driving, I don't support a law against it either. I also don't support checkpoints that violate people's rights, because you are somehow guilty until proven innocent of drunk driving (checkpoints) I support a law against people who drive recklessly and smash into people. There was a victim in my case and that's why there was a crime. If someone goes out to eat and has a few drinks, drives home and is responsible in doing so. Nobody is hurt, no property was damaged, there is no crime. I support the freedom of travel unless you are hurting someone or their property. I do not wish anything bad against the couple that was drunk driving and almost ended my life, I hope this is a wake up call for them to be more responsible, I hope they have a speedy recovery and go back to their lives. I have no hate towards them at all."

                      Unlike Watkins, some people do see at least a little irony in what happened, as evidenced by this thread on's Officers and Law Enforcement Professionals message board thread, titled: "'Cop Blocker' and Karma "

                      You can't make this stuff up. Early on the morning of November 25, Kory Watkins, cop-watcher extraordinaire and face of Open Carry Tarrant County, says he was hit by a drunk driver on his way home from a cop watch. The watch's target? A DWI checkpoint. In Watkins own words...


                      • #26
                        Damn, you beat me to it. Irony at it's finest. Here's another fine gem from him:

                        Watkins was issued a summons for driving without a license. ” I don’t ask for permission to drive a car I paid for on a road I paid for,” he said.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by talisman View Post
                          Fuck your thread, too.
                          With a rubber or without.


                          • #28
                            Well this is probably going to hurt their cause.

                            Arlington Woman Accused of Double Homicide Was a Member of Open Carry Tarrant County

                            Veronica Dunnachie praised by Open Carry Tarrant County in a now-deleted Facebook post.

                            Veronica Dunnachie, who Arlington police say shot her husband Russell Dunnachie and his adult daughter Kimberly on Wednesday afternoon, knew her way around firearms. Her Facebook page is filled with pictures of her firing rifles and posing with her fellow Open Carry Tarrant County members. She decided to put that knowledge to use, police say, because she and her husband were going through an ugly divorce.

                            According to a search warrant affidavit, Dunnachie called a friend in the early afternoon Wednesday to confess to the shootings. She told him she had done something bad and when he tried to reassure her that things were going to be OK, she told him she couldn't be helped. She'd shot her husband, she said. Her friend asked about Kimberly, and Dunnachie said she'd shot her, too. Police who showed up at the Dunnachies' house on Edinburgh Street found Russell and Kimberly Dunnachie dead.

                            Cops would later arrest Dunnachie at Millwood Hospital in Arlington, a mental health facility. She'd tried to check herself in.

                            According to documents from the Dunnachies' divorce obtained by the Fort Worth Star Telegram, Veronica Dunnachie had been ordered to leave the couple's house by December 31. The documents list four children, three boys and one girl, under the age of 18. None of the children were harmed in the attack.

                            Veronica Dunnachie is charged with capital murder and remains in Arlington City Jail. No bond has been set.

                            Veronica Dunnachie, who Arlington police say shot her husband Russell Dunnachie and his adult daughter Kimberly on Wednesday afternoon, knew her way around firearms. Her Facebook page is filled with pictures of her firing rifles and posing with her fellow Open Carry Tarrant County members. She decided to put that...


                            • #29
                              Yeah, screw 'em.
                              Originally posted by MR EDD
                              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.

