One of my cousin's had a son that got hooked on meth at a fairly young age, he was extremely hyper active as a kid and really didn't have any supervision or a father figure. When the school bus picked him up they put him in restraints, he was a bad seed. Well fast forward a few years and he's living in a trailer with his meth dealing buddy and they make a bet that one of them won't be alive the next morning. Apparently they were both banging the same chick and this was their way of settling the differences? They dug a grave together and pushed an old Nova over it. Then they proceeded to smoke everything they had and drank everything in the trailer. My cousin's kid woke up first and bashed his friend over the head with a torque converter until he stopped moving then drug the body to the grave and pushed the car back over it. He's serving a life sentence in Florida.
Another cousin from Tennessee got into an argument with his step son (mid 30s) and shot him in the chest. Then he went on the run and ended up getting caught in New Mexico. Also serving a life sentence.
Two friends of mine in high school decided to start their own gang and wanted to be badasses. Someone didn't want to pay their dope bill so they killed the guy and buried the body in a sand trap at a local golf course. It actually went unsolved for 10+ years and I'd hung out with one of them after the fact. The sad part is that someone posted a photo of him on Facebook last week and it had dozens of likes, none of them know the story apparently. He won't be attending any reunions.
Another friend was hit by a drunk driver and then drug the guy out of the cab and kicked his ass. The guy died a few days later in the hospital from an aneurysm and my friend was convicted of manslaughter and did 3 years of PMITA prison.
Another friend used his CHL to fend off a potential car jacker and was charged with murder but was exonerated after $20k+ in legal fees.
Then there is Moe, he was charged with second degree murder and has been featured on America's Most Wanted several times. I can't say I was friends with him but our paths crossed a lot. He was street racing and the other car hit a lady, killing her. He has an active Facebook page yet AMW keeps showing his profile.
I was told a story by a dude that was running with my dad back in his hardcore drug days:
He was in a drug deal that went south, and got shot in the arm. The bullet went up his forearm, and he had about an 8" long skin graft scar on it. After he got out of the hospital, his arm in a straight cast, he went looking for the guy that shot him, and when he found him, he shot him with a compound bow that he duct taped to his hand. The arrow went through and stuck him to tree he was standing in front of.
It's a pretty far-fetched story, though this guy was pretty damned crazy. The scar was real, who knows about the rest.
One that I know is true is a friend of mine was dating a chick, and her brother and father came home to find the grandmother's boyfriend beating her. They killed him, and then dug up the septic tank and tossed his body in. Nobody told a soul, until the son got drunk and was telling the story at a bar one night 10 years later. The body (well, what was left of it) was found in the septic tank, and it was all over the news.
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
I hung out with him for a while, he was always sketchy coming up with schemes. I never knew if he was a compulsive liar or what. He claimed he got kicked out of Texas A&M for stealing chemicals from the chem lab. Played up being a Marine, but got kicked out of boot camp for a busted knee. At first he was just blowing up mailboxes and making smoke bombs (that I knew about). I started distancing myself when he got a printer and started making coupons and literally printing money. FBI knocked on our door one time asking about him. Sketchier and sketchier people started showing up and hanging out all hours. Lots of drugs obviously flowing, their rent house was torn to shreds when he finally went missing.
The funniest part is in the original article he claimed his "marine training saved his life". Yep, sounds just like something 'Ol Fred would say. Claimed self defense, plead guilty to second degree murder and is serving 10 years.
As a kid, I lived in Oak Cliff, Desoto, and HEB. So it's shocking to say that, no, I don't know any killers.
Same here.
I did go to HS with someone that was killed with his own gun while trying to rob a house.
There was a thread about this on the old board.
BLUE MOUND, Texas – When two gunmen smashed through the glass front door of her suburban Fort Worth home, Kellie Hoehn didn't think twice.
The 34-year-old mother of two grabbed a shotgun that had been pointed at her face early Wednesday, starting a struggle that ended with one intruder killed with his own weapon and another in the hospital.
"I wasn't going to let them get to my babies," she said, recalling the moment when she pushed up the muzzle of the shotgun, pointing it away from her children's rooms.
Although the intruders told her to keep quiet, she screamed for her husband. She told her 12-year-old son, who was awakened by the sound of the shattering glass front door, to get his 5-year-old sister and hide.
"It was like a horror movie," her husband, 32-year-old Keith Hoehn, told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "I thought I was a dead man. We're fighting for our lives."
With Kellie Hoehn clinging to the weapon's muzzle, her husband tackled the man who held the shotgun. She knocked the intruder in the head with a jar candle, giving her husband a chance to wrest the shotgun.
By then the tussle had spilled out onto the front lawn. Keith Hoehn shot one of the men who had a pistol, police said. Wounded, that man ran away.
Then the intruder who initially had the shotgun charged Keith Hoehn.
Kellie Hoehn told The Dallas Morning News that she screamed at her husband, "Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him."
Her husband fired the shotgun and the man fell to the ground. Then the shot man lunged a second time.
"Well, I shot him again, and I guess that was it," Keith Hoehn said.
Dakota Scott Benoit, 20, of Richland Hills, was pronounced dead at a hospital. John Garland Pierson, 25, of Haltom City, was in critical condition and in police custody at the hospital.
"I am not happy that someone is dead," Kellie Hoehn said. "But I am glad that my family is alive."
Police said Pierson was shot in the left arm and the bullet pierced his diaphragm and other organs but his condition was improving. He will face charges of burglary of habitation with intent to commit another felony, police said.
Investigators say the couple were just defending their family and probably won't be charged.
Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.
There are some shady mofos here at work that are always on 2 way radios. I would like to be able to listen to what they are saying. They look like regular "walkie talkies" but are not your average consumer grade. Is there a bunch of different types or can I get something that will listen to pretty much anything that
god bless.
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass
I dated a chick, both of her brothers were in jail for capital murder, never met them tho.
And my best friend's uncle that I met as a kid, ex fireman in Farmer's Branch, has been in prison most of my life. He evidently was all methed up at a drug dealer's house when the cops came storming in. He thought it was a rival dealer, so he hid in the bathtub, when they kicked the bathroom door in he shot and killed 2 cops.
Oh yeah, and in college I knew a chick who changed her identity after killing a cop and getting off. Evidently a male cop frisked/molested her, she took his gun and shot him. She changed her identity by moving to Arkansas and using a crib death birth certificate to obtain an driver's license under the new name.
Don't worry about what you can't change.
Do the best you can with what you have.
Be honest, even if it hurts.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery" ... Winston Churchill
I had a discussion with an old friend of mine that related a story of a guy he worked with. Long story short, the guy was a gang member that got picked up for involvement in two Fort Worth murders that were gang/drug related and is now in prison. I've never (to my knowledge) known anyone that has killed someone. He was blown
Perhaps he has been rehabilitated.
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford