Take airliners. Load up with women and children from captured territories. Send all 11 planes at one target city at once. Watch the fun.
No announcement yet.
11 commercial jetliners missing after Islamist takeover of Tripoli airport...
Obama says he will destroy ISIS
President Barack Obama vowed to "degrade and destroy" the Islamist militant group behind the beheading of a second American journalist. "We will not be intimidated," Obama told reporters during a visit to Estonia on Wednesday. "Those who make the mistake of harming Americans will learn that we will not forget and that our reach is long and that justice will be served."
Obama said that Americans were "repulsed" by the slaying of Steven Sotloff by Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) militants, adding that such "horrific acts only unite us as country." He also vowed that the U.S. would continue to lead the battle against "the kind of barbaric and empty vision that [ISIS] represents." He said that mission would "take some time but it is going to get done," adding: "We will degrade and destroy [ISIS] so that it is no longer a threat to Iraq, the region and United States.” A video showing Sotloff's beheading surfaced days after the journalist's mother pleaded with ISIS for mercy. Its release followed the murder of James Foley, who had also been held hostage by the Sunni extremists. The president said that Sotloff "deeply loved the Islamic world" and had risked his life traveling in the Middle East to "tell the story of Muslim men and women demanding dignity." He added: "Steven’s life stood in sharp contrast to those that murdered him so brutally."
Originally posted by SMKR View PostObama says he will destroy ISIS
President Barack Obama vowed to "degrade and destroy" the Islamist militant group behind the beheading of a second American journalist. "We will not be intimidated," Obama told reporters during a visit to Estonia on Wednesday. "Those who make the mistake of harming Americans will learn that we will not forget and that our reach is long and that justice will be served."
Obama said that Americans were "repulsed" by the slaying of Steven Sotloff by Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) militants, adding that such "horrific acts only unite us as country." He also vowed that the U.S. would continue to lead the battle against "the kind of barbaric and empty vision that [ISIS] represents." He said that mission would "take some time but it is going to get done," adding: "We will degrade and destroy [ISIS] so that it is no longer a threat to Iraq, the region and United States.” A video showing Sotloff's beheading surfaced days after the journalist's mother pleaded with ISIS for mercy. Its release followed the murder of James Foley, who had also been held hostage by the Sunni extremists. The president said that Sotloff "deeply loved the Islamic world" and had risked his life traveling in the Middle East to "tell the story of Muslim men and women demanding dignity." He added: "Steven’s life stood in sharp contrast to those that murdered him so brutally."
"We know that if we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink ISILl's sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem," said Obama.
"And the question is going to be making sure we've got the right strategy but also making sure we've got the international will to do it. This is something that is a continuation of a problem we've seen certainly since 9/11, but before and it continues to metastasize in different ways. And what we've got to do is make sure that we are organizing the Arab world, the Middle East, the Muslim world, along with the internationl community to isolate this cancer.
He's not going to eradicate them. So, what's "manageable"? How long to plan for THIS strategy? He took his strong words from above and quickly pansie-fied them."Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey
What got them into this position was a power vacuum. Its like whack a mole - you can keep bopping heads till you are blue in the face but some tyrant or zealot will always fill the void when you kill/remove another.
So the strategy is not eradication but containment.
He'll leave it to the next president/congress/generation to find a solution.
ISIS will not be defeated by taking the high road.
Drop a battalion or two of special forces in amongst them and just slit the throats of everyone - men, women and children, pets, livestock. Then raze the city/villages with fire. Obliterate everyone.
That is how you will defeat ISIS.
Since that will never happen, ISIS will not be defeated - so you take the next best option and contain them like a petulant child so the rest of the adult world can get on with business.
While I think most wars from now on will be special ops based defeating ISIS will not. ISIS is the richest terrorist organization ever and has a lot of natural resources on its side. They are already in talks with China about selling oil for $40/barrel which may kill the current price of it, even more so with the US not taking advantage of what we have here.
This will be a very complex war and will be interesting (not the good interesting) on how this will turn out. The longer we wait the more equipment and training ISIS has. This makes for a more dangerous land operation and remember they have a lot of our equipment that we left over there. ISIS has the advantage of worldwide recruiting on a religious scale (often fight to the death to go to their god), and the splinter cells around the world for terrorist attacks.
Obama knew about ISIS a year ago and did nothing and now we may be facing the most dangerous enemy is a long time. If they are able to attack America, especially on 9/11, you will see a big change in the world. I don't think an attack on Europe is almost inevitable but an attack on America will cause global panic. If they have the ability to cross an ocean and attack us again, that will be huge. Our recent military cuts and open borders are some of the other things that put us in a hole to start.
Originally posted by DOHCTR View PostI would think that Western Europe is more likely to get hit by a stolen Libyan plane than the USA. Making a transatlantic flight without raising any suspicion or red flags seems improbable....
The state-owned Libyan Airlines fleet until this summer included 14 passenger and cargo jetliners, including seven Airbus 320s, one Airbus 330, two French ATR-42 turboprop aircraft, and four Bombardier CJR-900s. Libyan state-owned Afriqiyah Airways fleet is made up of 13 aircraft, including three Airbus 319s, seven Airbus 320s, two Airbus 330s, and one Airbus 340.
..."Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey
Originally posted by no4njnk View PostAnd don't forget our SF troops armed and trained these guys in Syria
ISIS is the current version of what was known as the Mujahideen Shura Council. A conglomeration of Al Qaeda and half a dozen other Sunni groups. We didn't train or equip anyone affiliated with those groups. Our government may be incompetent but they aren't stupid.
Originally posted by CJ View Posthmmm... I'm sure Obama will protect us.Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostObama won't know about this until it's on the news.Originally posted by GhostTX View PostI'm sure Obama will read about it in the paper tomorrow and start his strategy session after his 10am tee time.Originally posted by 8mpg View PostHe'll have to cancel his 18th vacation to Marthas Vineyard again
Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View PostOh gee wiz vacation!! Vacation!!!you guys sound ignorant.
Originally posted by SilverbackLook all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.
Originally posted by Rick Modena View PostUhhhh, what was GWB doing when we were attacked on 9-11-2001, oh yeah that's right he was playing teacher at an elementary school."When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Originally posted by CJ View PostSelect 4 people and call all of them ignorant for not agreeing with you.Originally posted by SilverbackLook all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.
Originally posted by Rick Modena View PostSorry, I didn't mean it to sound like I was calling the four people that I quoted ignorant. I meant the entire Political Forum as a whole that argue stupid issues like, "OMGerd, it's Obummers fault since he takes 50 vacations a month!" back and fourth type bullshit.
Originally posted by Unicorn Jeff View PostThat's a lot of brain power he used to read those books.Originally posted by SilverbackLook all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.