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WTF is it with wireless carriers now days!?

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  • #16
    Ya, I love TMobile customer service and their prices, but I just wish they had a broader area.


    • #17
      If you don't ever leave big cities Tmobile might be an option, but do any kind of traveling to rural areas and you are out of luck. There are places I go where you are lucky if Verizon or At&T even work.


      • #18
        Originally posted by GrayStangGT View Post
        If you don't ever leave big cities Tmobile might be an option, but do any kind of traveling to rural areas and you are out of luck. There are places I go where you are lucky if Verizon or At&T even work.
        I'm all over Texas. When I get into deep east Texas or west desert, I can't get an AT&T, Verizon or TMobile signal sometimes. I have one of each for work. I do think that Verizon has the best coverage, though.


        • #19
          I ran into the same problem with AT&T. I just went into radio shack and bought the iPhone 5s and it was only $100.00 (I was eligible for an upgrade)and just renewed my contract with AT&T at the radio shack store.


          • #20
            Eff a bunch of contracts, that is all.


            • #21
              I dumped AT&T because I was sick of feeling trapped. It's bullshit you are capped on data, minutes and texting. If you go over they charge huge fees. The execs are laughing all the way to the bank. I can't change the way they do business but I did take my money else where. This is now happening to sprint while tMobile is gaining huge ground.


              • #22
                if they'll start actually COVERING ground, I'd go back to them in a heartbeat


                • #23
                  Fuck all that, they'll never get me with those overpriced phones!


                  • #24
                    Ok so this? This is the Brick. You may remember it from such places as Saved By the Bell and 1992. But this is 2014, and you can buy a brand new one. For


                    • #25
                      3 month battery?!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by GrayStangGT View Post
                        If you don't ever leave big cities Tmobile might be an option, but do any kind of traveling to rural areas and you are out of luck. There are places I go where you are lucky if Verizon or At&T even work.
                        This is something I was curious. Naturally the guy at the tmobile store said they have the best coverage. Ive never had a problem with the service at att except their customer service is fucking terrible. We also have uverse tv and internet again the servicd is great but the customer service when you have a problem is terrible!


                        • #27
                          Unlocked LG Nexus 4 on Straight Talk AT&T sim works great.

                          $53.86 a month for 3gigs and service everywhere.

                          AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon screwed me around and I got sick of it.

                          Had business accounts with all of them and got a $806.xx bill one month from AT&T, paid it and went and got all phones and tablet unlocked and never looked at another "big" carrier again. Luckily it was at the end of the 2yr contract so it worked for me.

                          That was back in '12 and haven't had a contract since.


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              Republic wireless. $10/m when I want to use wifi data only. $25/m if I want to have mobile data. Can switch plans whenever I want.

                              Been with them about a year and half.

                              My referral link so I can get $19, almost two months free.

                              Last edited by sc281; 09-01-2014, 06:58 PM.


                              • #30
                                I didn't know Seb changed jobs


