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Dallas Karting Complex

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  • Dallas Karting Complex

    Who has been? Sounds awesome with 60 mph carts and if you qualify can get up to 85 mph carts?? how is it in reality?

  • #2
    It's a lot of fun, especially the first few times. They have no acceleration so you have to be able to take a line to go fast.

    The karts are also typically not all equal...some will be 1-2s a lap quicker.

    Jared is their promo guy btw...

    Overall if you have never been and aren't a seasoned karter it's a great time


    • #3
      Btw...the 85mph karts are like $125 for 10 laps. Way overpriced


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
        Btw...the 85mph karts are like $125 for 10 laps. Way overpriced
        WIll be my first time going, tips for quick laps?


        • #5
          "Big balls" -James hunt

          Learn what a racing line is...brake late...carry as much speed as you can through turns and maximize exit speed. The most important thing with these low acceleration karts is to carry exit speed. I think 4 or 5 turns are flat out no brakes


          • #6
            What's the 0-60 on these things?


            • #7
              Measured in hours..


              • #8
                Realistically probably in the low teens but I'm not sure.

                Also remember that in a kart you do not lean Into a lean outward to load the outer rear tire.


                • #9
                  Lots of fun but it will beat you up. As Ruffdaddy said just maintain speed and pull some G's in the turns. It's crazy. And don't count on the brakes, you'll just spin out. Fun as hell with a group.

                  I hit barriers and got a flat my first time out (buddies and shenanigans) which put one cart out of commission. The guys running the track didn't care and even had laugh with all of us afterwards. Good fun.


                  • #10
                    Its fun as shit.

                    Ive only been once, but I bought two passes for the 6 races for 60 so Ill be going soon


                    • #11
                      Fun as hell and you will be sore the next day from getting beat up by the go-kart. Just keep an eye on the cars out on the track because some are much slower than others. You dont get to choose your car, so if you get assigned one that you know is slow, ask them to put you in another one. The guy doing the assigning didnt have a problem with it when I asked.

                      I spun out once going in too quick into turn 1 and another time my wife some how managed to get us both into the turn 1 barrier.


                      • #12
                        There's a barrier at turn 1 now?

                        Remover to go into the hairpin kinda deep, and focusing on exit speed to carry 100% to turn 3. Turn 2 requires no braking if you do it right.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                          Jared is their promo guy btw...
                          No deal


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Stephen View Post
                            No deal
                            Yeah it's tough seeing him try I weasel his self promoting bs on their events but at least the owners seem cool enough. I understand them wanting someone who promotes...and he works at it...but man thy guys a tweener face.


                            • #15
                              The 85+ mph kart is the most fun I've ever had in a automobile.
                              Doing enough racing for 99% of the board!

