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Anyone know what a county's obligation is for ditch maintenance?

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  • Anyone know what a county's obligation is for ditch maintenance?

    Just curious if anyone has ever dealt with the county on ditch maintenance? Mine and my neighbors is really grown up with tall weeds and bramble, and the sides have collapsed over the years. It is impossible to use a mower, trimmer mower, brush hog. Even a gas trimmer with a blade could take days. I know my lazy neighbor won't even try. All the other lots up and down the road look good, smooth and the grass is manageable. I've been paying taxes for 14 years so I think it is time I got something out of it.

  • #2
    FWIW, I would sick Saul Garza's ass on em!


    • #3
      Knowing how government is, you will call and complain they will bring out some obscure law that its your responsibility and fix it and double charge you for it .


      • #4
        Light it on fire, then call it in.


        • #5
          Most counties consider it as part of the storm drain system, I'd call and find out.


          • #6
            The county or city will mow about 3 feet from the edge of the pavement maybe once or twice a year. Unless, some official has a brother in law who has the mowing contract. (LOL) I mow my county road on both sides and spray the fence rows with a mixture of Round Up and Barron. I mow 1/4 a mile on both sides. I only have one redneck neighbor that mows his too. If you want it to look good, you have to do it yourself. Remember, you are dealing with PUBLIC SERVANTS.


            • #7
              Originally posted by yellowstang View Post
              Light it on fire, then call it in.
              Yep, then spray it with diesel. lol


              • #8
                Our County will send out two trucks, a tractor with mower, and 6 county employees all to stand around and watch the one Mexican guy with the weed eater do all the work...



                • #9
                  I don't mind mowing it if it the ground wasn't so broke up, but there is no way to drive or push a mower over it. I think it takes a lot away from the looks of the place given that all the other houses up and down the street on either side it has been dug out smooth at some point so mowers can get down in there. I'll call my county commish I guess and see what I can get done. I should have been smarter to do this just before election time.


                  • #10
                    Mine gets cut once a year and no more. If I want anything else, I have to get my tractor out there.
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • #11
                      They are working on the ones down the street from me now. You need to come over tomorrow morning and talk to the guy in the truck watching them work. You need dirt and they are hauling some off to somewhere, might as well be your place. They have a skid steer with tracks rented right now also. They could fix you up.


                      • #12
                        Jug of round up and a sprayer. No mower needed.


                        • #13
                          I used to cut mine, till the fucking county came out and issued a warning for me to move my trash box off from their land. So yeah, screw them, I will let that damned grass grow.

