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My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer

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  • My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer

    This whole thing is so fucked up. You wouldn’t believe this story because I don’t believe it and I’m living with it right now. So basically the doctors diagnosed my dad with prostate cancer on July 2nd and gave him 3 to 6 months to live or he has the option to prolong his life with 18 treatments of radiation therapy.

    So you know what my dad does? He leaves us! His family! Just mom and I an gets himself an apartment because his reasoning was that he doesn’t want to burden us with his problems and doesn’t want us to take care of him. He has a sister that takes care of his appointments and she keeps me informed of his life and doctor appointment news. I do not know where he is living or his new cell number and every time I ask his sister for this info she dances around the subject and lies to me.

    Dad leaves mom penniless. Well it‘s not like they had any real money to begin with! So I’m helping her out with the bills. I can’t sleep nor am I eating worth a shit! And I’m stressed the fuck out!

    It’s embarrassing to talk about it but I had to tell someone. I have very little family left that are still alive that I can talk to nor do they give a shit. An my friends are too busy with their lives and families. Also I don’t want talk to them about this stuff anyways!

    Btw I don’t need anyone’s help I just wanted to tell my story and read others people opinions on this subject. It’s strange and sad and hard to believe this is happening! I’ll probability delete this post once I get tired of reading it and answering questions.

    Thanks for your time!

  • #2
    Damn man, sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. Hopefully your dad will come around and get in touch with you all.


    • #3
      Originally posted by silverranger View Post
      Damn man, sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. Hopefully your dad will come around and get in touch with you all.
      Thanks! I’m emotionally strong and grew up that way. Not much really bothers me but this time it has really gotten to me. You only have one dad regardless of his dumbass antics and childish behavior. It's really selfish on his part. He is a shitty husband but has been a great father. He lies, cheats, and is alcoholic but he has always been good to me.

      I feel for my mom and will always stand by her side and not his!


      • #4
        Originally posted by scootro View Post
        Thanks! I’m emotionally strong and grew up that way. Not much really bothers me but this time it has really gotten to me. You only have one dad regardless of his dumbass antics and childish behavior. It's really selfish on his part. He is a shitty husband but has been a great father. He lies, cheats, and is alcoholic but he has always been good to me.

        I feel for my mom and will always stand by her side and not his!
        I feel ya, my dad and I are not close by any means but he has been good to me.

        But seeing your mom hurting sucks, but let her know you will never leave her side and props to you for helping her out throughout this ordeal.


        • #5
          That sucks man.

          My dad diagnosed with it about 10 years ago and given a year. Stubborn bastard still here and kickin. He's had partial removal, radiation, and now does estrogen shots. If your dad makes it farther like mine maybe it'll change his mindset. It's tough to deal with, so maybe he just needs a little time to accept and come to terms.
          Last edited by whitetrash; 08-13-2014, 03:45 AM.
          07 f250-family truckster
          08 Denali -baby hauler
          52 f1-rust bucket
          05 Jeep tj. Buggy
          livin the double-wide dream


          • #6
            That does suck. But in a way I can't blame him. I wouldn't want anyone having to see me waste away slowly. I think I'd find a way to set my wife and kids up the best I could. Say my goodbyes and at the point of no return.... I'd just go away.

            May seem selfish but makes sense to me. Hopefully you can get to him and at least talk it out before... You know.

            Good luck bro
            Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


            • #7
              Who knows what's going through a dying man's head, he truly may believe that he's doing the right thing, or may just be acting selfish. Try emailing him


              • #8
                Hope your dad gets the treatment he needs! Also hope things sort themselves out soon for everyone involved. Sounds like your dad might have had a panic knee-jerk reaction. As someone else mentioned above, no telling what is going through a person head that had a terminal diagnosis.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by whitetrash View Post
                  That sucks man.

                  My dad diagnosed with it about 10 years ago and given a year. Stubborn bastard still here and kickin. He's had partial removal, radiation, and now does estrogen shots. If your dad makes it farther like mine maybe it'll change his mindset. It's tough to deal with, so maybe he just needs a little time to accept and come to terms.
                  That’s cool he made it out alright but my dad has a lot more wrong with him besides the prostate. His stomach is swelled out because of bad kidneys and has a blood clot in his neck from what I’ve been told. Also he smokes cigarettes like a freight train. I hope he makes it out through all this!

                  I have my doubts that actually goes to doctor does the 18 treatments. I thinking he'll stop at 5 and quit when he realizes how sick it makes you. He starts the radiation this Monday.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by petyweestraw View Post
                    That does suck. But in a way I can't blame him. I wouldn't want anyone having to see me waste away slowly. I think I'd find a way to set my wife and kids up the best I could. Say my goodbyes and at the point of no return.... I'd just go away.

                    May seem selfish but makes sense to me. Hopefully you can get to him and at least talk it out before... You know.

                    Good luck bro
                    sound manly doing it that way but it really isn't! it just hurts your family.

                    Originally posted by phaux View Post
                    Who knows what's going through a dying man's head, he truly may believe that he's doing the right thing, or may just be acting selfish. Try emailing him
                    email? haha.. he's an old school construction guy.

                    Originally posted by 1carcrazyguy View Post
                    Hope your dad gets the treatment he needs! Also hope things sort themselves out soon for everyone involved. Sounds like your dad might have had a panic knee-jerk reaction. As someone else mentioned above, no telling what is going through a person head that had a terminal diagnosis.
                    Yea no telling it's still crazy though! I've got a feeling of impending Doom! It's like there's a giant something looming over me and it’s really stressing me out.


                    • #11
                      I'm sorry Scootro.
                      ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                      • #12
                        Just a terrible situation all the way around. Wish you and your family the best.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by YALE View Post
                          I'm sorry Scootro.
                          Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                          Just a terrible situation all the way around. Wish you and your family the best.
                          thanks I appreciate it


                          • #14
                            Fuck man, that is a heavy weight to carry. I haven't meet you before (to my recollection) and don't drink much but if you feel the need, I am good for a beer or two. Keep on going man, shit gets better eventually.


                            • #15
                              Keep your head high. You're doing right by taking care of your mom the best you can.
                              "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"

