Originally posted by Frank
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I settled on Roku because it is highly rated. I got the Roku 3 at first, but the HDMI on my ancient Samsung plasma refused to play nice with the Roku. The Roku setup and menus worked perfectly, but I was getting a purple HD handshake error every time the actual content streaming began. I swapped cables, bought a powered HDMI bus, all kinds of shit to get it working, all to no avail.
Finally I just stepped down to a Roku 2 and it's working. The HDMI issue is still around, but the 2 allows component output so I'm using that for now.
In the near future I will be getting a projector so this crummy plasma setup will go to a bedroom and I'll get another Roku 3 for the living room. The menus on the 3 were FAR better and it was faster than the 2. The 2 and 3 both have a cool feature that allows you to plug ear buds into the remote so you can watch TV without bothering other people.