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Talk some sense into me... Foxbody infatuation

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  • #91
    I can't believe how mint that cluster looks. I still think about picking up a mostly stock hatch here and there. I think I've decided to just wait and go for the gold with what I really want if I get another car at some point, another '69 Charger. So. That might take awhile.


    • #92
      Originally posted by talisman View Post
      I can't believe how mint that cluster looks. I still think about picking up a mostly stock hatch here and there. I think I've decided to just wait and go for the gold with what I really want if I get another car at some point, another '69 Charger. So. That might take awhile.
      I had a deal working on a 69 Camaro pace car convertible been restored
      been in my wifes family since 85 but I don't think it will happen


      • #93
        Originally posted by Whiteboy View Post
        I had a deal working on a 69 Camaro pace car convertible been restored
        been in my wifes family since 85 but I don't think it will happen

        Back in '99 me and 4 close friends all owned muscle cars at the same time, it was awesome. My '69 Charger, a 68 Camaro, and '69 Camaro RSSS that was perfect, a 68 Cougar, and a '67 big block Fastback that I would later buy. All of us except the guy with the RSSS worked at the same O'Reilly, too. That was a way too brief time.


        • #94
          Originally posted by talisman View Post
          Back in '99 me and 4 close friends all owned muscle cars at the same time, it was awesome. My '69 Charger, a 68 Camaro, and '69 Camaro RSSS that was perfect, a 68 Cougar, and a '67 big block Fastback that I would later buy. All of us except the guy with the RSSS worked at the same O'Reilly, too. That was a way too brief time.
          Prices have gone crazy on all those cars.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Whiteboy View Post
            Prices have gone crazy on all those cars.

            The only one over 10k then was the RSSS, and it was right at 10k, and even had factory power windows. It was NICE. The 68 Camaro, I think was about 6k, don't remember the Cougar, I paid 2500 for the Charger, running and driving with a charging problem.. The hideaways worked, too, and it had a center console, ac/ps. The Fastback was bought as a small block with a wrecked quarter panel, but running and driving for 1200. We flew to San Francisco to buy that car, and drove it back non stop with 410s and a C4. He found it on Corral, young kid that thought it wasn't worth anything since it was wrecked, and my friend saw the ad first. That made me fall in love with San Francisco.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Whiteboy View Post
              Mines a coupe with black interior lol
              Pm me what you paid
              Lol I meant condition wasnt as nice... Which it isn't probably due to mileage, but just giving ya a hard time. However black interior is killer and I know personally I would pay a LOT more for black interior. As always coupes are the hot ticket item. I think that little coupe will bring a big payout.

              I'll send ya a pm. Trying to see how I did in comparison to the all time leader in fox sales.


              • #97
                Well I have a guy trying to buy my Royal Blue hatch... I haven't had it long enough to truly become attached.

                It is the nicest fox I have owned but in the end $$ talks.

                What would be the offer that would get you guys to let it go? I'm not going to say what I paid but as a review the car is:

                Royal blue metallic (93 only)
                under 31k miles
                Mild mods including gears, exhaust, HCI (ford parts), and supporting equipment.


                • #98
                  Are you going to be able to find another one for the price you're going to be asking on this one? The value is just going to keep going up, enjoy it for a few years.


                  • #99
                    I know what you mean and that's what my problem is. Replacing it. I love the hunt of finding cars and I may be able to get almost 185% return on my investment if the deal goes through.

                    I noticed a few very small things that needs to be done exterior wise...things I didn't notice initially but it wouldn't cost too much to get it corrected. My thing is I am getting the itch to mod this car and I don't know that I should.

                    My favorite part is how clean the interior is and it has absolutely no rattles going down the road. You are right I could enjoy it for a few years or I could sell it and basically buy a similar car w/ more miles w/ the profit... I dunno.

                    It came up out of the blue so I was caught off guard for sure. The guy has been looking for a dark blue car for a long time and this is in his wheelhouse with him willing to pay premium. I see that "classic" mustangs value tend to be in the 15K range for your ordinary car. I just don't want to hold it and then have the value not really get to where I would like it. I am kind of the guy who likes to take the money and look for the next one. This is no special edition and the 87-93 offered nothing crazy outside of the 93 cobra and R. No big options like the 60's era cars had.


                    • Originally posted by akfodysvn View Post
                      I know what you mean and that's what my problem is. Replacing it. I love the hunt of finding cars and I may be able to get almost 185% return on my investment if the deal goes through.

                      I noticed a few very small things that needs to be done exterior wise...things I didn't notice initially but it wouldn't cost too much to get it corrected. My thing is I am getting the itch to mod this car and I don't know that I should.

                      My favorite part is how clean the interior is and it has absolutely no rattles going down the road. You are right I could enjoy it for a year or I could sell it and basically by a similar car w/ more miles w/ all the profit... I dunno.

                      It came up out of the blue and I see that "classic" mustangs value tend to be in the 15K range for your ordinary car. This is no special edition and the 87-93 offered nothing crazy outside of the 93 cobra and R. No big options like the 60's era cars had.

                      I used to get into the same loop and end up with a new car every six months. It can be an endless cycle. Enjoy what you've already got; it's a nice car and color combo. Mod it but keep the stock parts, and don't do anything crazy to it like cutting up the engine compartment to put twin turbos or drilling through the trunk to mount a nitrous bottle.


                      • If you can double your investment sell it. There are more out there.


                        • I'm more of a turn & burn kinda guy... if I can make money on it, it's on to the next one


                          • if you can get that kind of return on it sell it now


                            • If you're even considering it... take the money and flip it. Get a 93 Cobra or Cobra R in great shape and sit on that while you enjoy it. Those will gain value much faster than what you have, and they aren't getting any cheaper.
                              Originally posted by stevo
                              Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



                              • I meant to put an 85% increase in value, not 185%. Its still a darn good profit but will see if its just another tire kicker or if he is legit.
                                Last edited by akfodysvn; 10-20-2014, 06:13 PM.

