Originally posted by '90Vert
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Non-Exempt assists is a key term. Broke people generally have 0 assists that are not exempt. exempt assets include one car and one truck, any tool required toward creating your income, most common furniture, kitchen items, toys, and ...... the list is long and includes almost anything of value a broke person may own. Guns/weapons might be the only exception -but good luck proving they belong to the person being collected against and not their friend/cousin/etc.
9 or 10 years - the lien must be renewed during year 9. At 10 years it is expired and can't be renewed.
If you believe it is easy to collect on Judgments in Texas let me know through pm - I'd gladly pay you 75% of any of mine you can collect on.
When the debtor has assists collection is a different story - people with money generally don't get evicted (my uncollected debts) or have unpaid credit cards.