I have a debt I intend to pay, but not nearly fast enough to satisfy the lender. A credit card lender. I received notice they intend to file suit. When I called them they wanted to set up monthly payments for an amount I am not willing to shell out right now. I told them I could pay a lesser amount.
They told me if I couldn't pay the amount they wanted they would proceed with the suit, which basically amounts to being called into court for a judge to tell me that yes, I really am responsible for the debt.
When I told her that I would send my smaller payment faithfully so that when I showed up in court the judge might assign the smaller amount as acceptable and not file a judgment..... she said that's not the case at all, if it comes to court he's going to file a judgement, period.
She basically told me do what I wish but she wasn't interested in setting up a small payment over the phone right then.
This is one of those deals that sticks on one's record for 10 years, and if if it's still outstanding if I go to sell property, it gets settled then.... and if I've paid it, I have to show proof at the property closing time or whatever, right?
Yeah, I made a mess but I am trying to clean it up.. what to do?
They told me if I couldn't pay the amount they wanted they would proceed with the suit, which basically amounts to being called into court for a judge to tell me that yes, I really am responsible for the debt.
When I told her that I would send my smaller payment faithfully so that when I showed up in court the judge might assign the smaller amount as acceptable and not file a judgment..... she said that's not the case at all, if it comes to court he's going to file a judgement, period.
She basically told me do what I wish but she wasn't interested in setting up a small payment over the phone right then.
This is one of those deals that sticks on one's record for 10 years, and if if it's still outstanding if I go to sell property, it gets settled then.... and if I've paid it, I have to show proof at the property closing time or whatever, right?
Yeah, I made a mess but I am trying to clean it up.. what to do?