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How well do you know yourself?

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  • #16
    i'm lost and still searching and i feel like life is passing me by


    • #17
      Originally posted by SlowLX View Post
      Holy shit, you're fucking coming up on 40?
      Yup. 39 in August.


      • #18
        I turned 52 this year, and it gave me a moment to pause and reflect on things. 4 years ago, I went to see the doctor for a routine checkup (had been feeling a little tired at that time) and ended up being diagnosed with a life threatening infection, got wheeled in for immediate emergency surgery and spent the next 2 months in a long term after care facility, hooked up to a pik line feeding me the strongest antibiotics available. Pretty eye opening experience, all in all, and one that led me to several epiphanies (is that the correct plural?).

        Most importantly, work isn't life. Don't define yourself by what you do for a living. You should love what you do, and hopefully whatever makes you happy also pays a decent wage.

        And do what you want to do, as much as possible. Doesn't mean be an asshole 24/7. It means find your passion. Traveling, drag racing, mountain climbing, painting, whatever it might be. Find it, get better at it, and do it often. Life really is short.

        If you're not happy, change things. Work, hobby, relationship, whatever is pissing you off, make whatever changes are necessary to leave that situation far behind you, and NEVER look back. She's not going to change, no matter how much she says she will.

        And finally, "Wanderer" and "Drifter" are also directions. Just because you don't fit neatly into some predefined category, don't let the "desire to fit in" be your driving force.

        Spend too much time "looking for the answer" and you just might forget what the question really means.


        • #19
          Originally posted by SonicblueGT03 View Post
          I turned 52 this year, and it gave me a moment to pause and reflect on things. 4 years ago, I went to see the doctor for a routine checkup (had been feeling a little tired at that time) and ended up being diagnosed with a life threatening infection, got wheeled in for immediate emergency surgery and spent the next 2 months in a long term after care facility, hooked up to a pik line feeding me the strongest antibiotics available. Pretty eye opening experience, all in all, and one that led me to several epiphanies (is that the correct plural?).

          Most importantly, work isn't life. Don't define yourself by what you do for a living. You should love what you do, and hopefully whatever makes you happy also pays a decent wage.

          And do what you want to do, as much as possible. Doesn't mean be an asshole 24/7. It means find your passion. Traveling, drag racing, mountain climbing, painting, whatever it might be. Find it, get better at it, and do it often. Life really is short.

          If you're not happy, change things. Work, hobby, relationship, whatever is pissing you off, make whatever changes are necessary to leave that situation far behind you, and NEVER look back. She's not going to change, no matter how much she says she will.

          And finally, "Wanderer" and "Drifter" are also directions. Just because you don't fit neatly into some predefined category, don't let the "desire to fit in" be your driving force.

          Spend too much time "looking for the answer" and you just might forget what the question really means.


          • #20
            I know myself pretty well, if there's anything I can't see, I use a mirror.


            • #21
              After I bought this house, got a divorce and had a girlfriend leave me, I spent 3 years learning who the new guy was. Very glad I did. It's a lot more peaceful knowing who I am rather than fighting it.
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #22
                I did a lot of work over the last year to look into what the heck made me self destruct when life was going so good for me for many years. I learned how to spot unhealthy thoughts, behavior patterns, think things through to prevent total disaster, and bounce things off of people who are emotionally healthy. I learned to identify problems and work through to solutions.

                I learned why I did what I did, and why I couldn't escape the misery that ensued once I was in the grip of addiction again. On a daily basis I take stock of what I've thought about and acted on throughout the day and plan a course of corrective action for the following day.


                • #23
                  In some ways I envy you unattached guys, because I think of all the things I think I would do. Looking back, I would live less so to please others and not so much as expected of me. I don't mean I would be a mooch on society or lazy. I mean I would live in a variety of places, in unusual housing at times. I would live like a pauper as much as I could with fewer things and sock away the dough. Travel, take contract jobs, etc. Things I could look back on and say, "Yeah, that was cool.".

                  As for what to do? Pick anything. If it doesn't work out, do something else. Sitting around playing WOW won't get you anywhere.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SonicblueGT03 View Post
                    I turned 52 this year, and it gave me a moment to pause and reflect on things. 4 years ago, I went to see the doctor for a routine checkup (had been feeling a little tired at that time) and ended up being diagnosed with a life threatening infection, got wheeled in for immediate emergency surgery and spent the next 2 months in a long term after care facility, hooked up to a pik line feeding me the strongest antibiotics available. Pretty eye opening experience, all in all, and one that led me to several epiphanies (is that the correct plural?).

                    Most importantly, work isn't life. Don't define yourself by what you do for a living. You should love what you do, and hopefully whatever makes you happy also pays a decent wage.

                    And do what you want to do, as much as possible. Doesn't mean be an asshole 24/7. It means find your passion. Traveling, drag racing, mountain climbing, painting, whatever it might be. Find it, get better at it, and do it often. Life really is short.

                    If you're not happy, change things. Work, hobby, relationship, whatever is pissing you off, make whatever changes are necessary to leave that situation far behind you, and NEVER look back. She's not going to change, no matter how much she says she will.

                    And finally, "Wanderer" and "Drifter" are also directions. Just because you don't fit neatly into some predefined category, don't let the "desire to fit in" be your driving force.

                    Spend too much time "looking for the answer" and you just might forget what the question really means.
                    Solid fukkin answer!


                    • #25
                      I'm kinda like Alex, except add almost 7 years. I'm not tied to any one place, nor have an idea what I want to do with the rest of my life. I know what I like doing now, but those kinds of things change with me fairly regularly, with the exception of racing.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                        I am 25 years old and I still have no idea where I will end up. I don't know what I want to do with my life, don't know where I want to live, and don't want to settle down into anything. I am sure I will figure it all out eventually.
                        Why not something in the firearms industry? It just seems like you would be a natural fit.


                        • #27
                          I'm currently at a lost point in my life mainly from a divorce 3 years ago that truly broke me as a man. It seemed I was doing ok shortly thereafter but then back down again. I quit my job 8 months ago, haven't worked since but this was planned and its part of my starting a new life plan. I wasn't happy there anymore and I knew it was time to go. I've used this time to really think a lot, reflect back on my life, better myself and body, and just enjoy life. I'm actually looking forward to working again here soon, till then I've still got a lot of work on me to do.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by scootro View Post
                            i'm lost and still searching and i feel like life is passing me by
                            I have this same feeling as well, time is just flying by faster than I can keep up with it. I try to just focus on the now and not worry about the future, that time will come. I've got to the point where I don't want to focus all my energy on searching, step back a bit and maybe those things I'm searching for might find me!


                            • #29
                              you fuckers are depressing.
                              ازدهار رأسه برعشيت

