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How well do you know yourself?

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  • How well do you know yourself?

    This is nothing new I have contemplating. You hear of people trying to "find themselves" and such. Have you "found" yourself? (Whatever the hell that means, I am still not sure.) Do you think you have yourself pretty well figured out?

    I came to some conclusions a while back, nothing too profound, but still it was kind of a comfort. I know what I like and don't like. I know what excites me and gets my mind thinking. Still some things I don't quite understand why I feel the way I do about, but I guess it comes in time. I know what most of my insecurities are and why. I know what pushes my buttons. I know what pisses me off. I know pretty much what is not worth whining about and when to let it go. I can see where I have matured on some things, but not others.

  • #2
    I've never really understood what people mean by that. I know myself very well, I have goals, and I try hard to reach them. Have fun along the way, and don't stop loving life.
    Originally posted by Buzzo
    Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



    • #3
      I have been able to see life from a completely different perspective in the last couple years, which has allowed me to see myself in a completely different way, and how twisted my perspective, motivations, and justifications have been most of my life.

      On one hand it's kinda demoralizing to see that kind of truth, but on the other hand I have a renewed sense of self, and a fresh and positive outlook to spring forward with.


      • #4
        I found myself in the mirror this morning....boy was I dissapointed


        • #5
          Lol. I don't know who the hell I am anymore. My whole life completely changed a few months back and I'm still trying to figure this shit out.
          68 Coupe- 351w, TFS heads, Comp XE284, 5 speed, Explorer 8.8, 4 Wheel Discs
          63 Fairlane

          Originally posted by forbes
          i call 1911 first then 911


          • #6
            does this question go with "whats the meaning of life"
            I dont know who i am. What the hell am i supposed to be doing? Im not sure. So i work, go to school, hang with my kids and my family as much as possible. IDK WTF im doing in school. Im just learning shit i guess. I have over 120 credits and still havent picked a major. Supposedly i need to hurry up. WTF for? Whos in a hurry? Ill probably die tomorrow or the day after i graduate. Im not happy with my job but it pays the bills. In the mean time ill work and learn stuff.


            • #7
              I am 25 years old and I still have no idea where I will end up. I don't know what I want to do with my life, don't know where I want to live, and don't want to settle down into anything. I am sure I will figure it all out eventually.
              Originally posted by lincolnboy
              After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


              • #8
                Ive known myself for a while now. I recognize my faults and I accept them. I realize no one is perfect and Ive also learned to accept others for their faults too. I also realized alot of us all have the same faults, just people lie to themselves and refuse to accept themselves for who they are. I know where Im going in life and I know hard work will get me there. I also know if I want something bad enough, I will get it eventually. I do love myself about that part.


                • #9
                  I envy those who at a younger age knew exactly what they wanted.

                  I never went to college simply because i had no idea wtf i wanted to do with my life. As far as my personality goes id say i know myself. I also think my wife knows me better than i do.


                  • #10
                    I hated the fact that I was growing older in the same area that I've been in years, boring job, same old same old. That's when I made the decision to move across the country and took a job. I hadn't even set foot in PA ever. I think once I was here I "found" myself and never looked back. I couldn't be any happier. My life has changed so dramatically in the last 5 years it's hard to believe. I can't describe being lost or finding yourself, but you just know things aren't right and if you take a risk it could get better. That's my take.


                    • #11
                      I see it as people finding a purpose. Some people never find this, I feel sorry for whom this happens to. With me I am constantly evolving, I tend to find a mission, do it, idle for awhile and get a little beat up and then find another. Rinse and repeat while growing and learning at the same time.


                      • #12
                        I've always had direction, and experience and opportunity and my fair share of dumb luck has informed that direction.

                        Always knew I was an artist. Painting in college led me to graphic design, and in the last few years that's morphed into applying creativity in communication and management.

                        But that's just career stuff which is only one slice of the pie. Got lucky and landed an amazing woman pretty early in life and have had time to ponder the universe. At almost 40 years old I have a pretty solid sense of how the world works and the highs aren't quite as high because there's so much I've seen before, but more notably, the lows aren't as low because I'm more aware of what low can be. So it's like the pointy parts have been sanded down, if that makes sense.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BLAKE View Post
                          the highs aren't quite as high because there's so much I've seen before, but more notably, the lows aren't as low because I'm more aware of what low can be. So it's like the pointy parts have been sanded down, if that makes sense.
                          It's called emotional stability, and such a better way to live, as compared to always trying to jump from high to high. After riding any given rollercoaster a few times in a row, and anyone would be glad to chill on a park bench for a while.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BLAKE View Post
                            At almost 40 years old I have a pretty solid sense of how the world works and the highs aren't quite as high because there's so much I've seen before, but more notably, the lows aren't as low because I'm more aware of what low can be. So it's like the pointy parts have been sanded down, if that makes sense.
                            Holy shit, you're fucking coming up on 40?


                            • #15
                              A lot of the people who "find themselves" are doing so because they've lived trying to accommodate and please others. Parents, friends, society. They finally get fed up and cant do it anymore and they just start taking a stand for themselves.

                              Its not about knowing the answers to the big questions - its the small questions that really shape our lives

