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Q for those who are/were career driven or self employed

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  • Q for those who are/were career driven or self employed

    Let me start off by saying I work, a LOT. Probably around 80hrs+ a week between welding and firearms sales. I often miss out on seeing family and hanging out with friends. I do it though as I believe it will eventually pay off.

    So as I was driving to MO at 2AM the other night/morning to pick up some equipment, I thought to myself: When do you take a step back and just decide it's no longer worth it? I would like to hear from you that were/are self employed or very career driven (not not the guy that just works the avg 9-5) and decided you would rather have more free time than grow a business or make money and do you miss the fast pace and stress? How did your life change after?

    I myself have no plans to slow down anytime soon, just curious to hear others experience.

  • #2
    Sounds kind of like our conversation when I was at your house a few months ago, about the value of time
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    • #3
      Make money when you're young and able. Slack off when you're old.


      • #4
        Originally posted by YALE View Post
        Make money when you're young and able. Slack off when you're old.
        basically this, I work crazy hours, and am away from home a lot. I have missed milestones, like my boys first steps, etc. I do it though because I want to be very finacially secure and be able to provide anything and everything my family could possibly want. I guess if you are willing to sacrafice, the ends justice the means.
        ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


        • #5
          I am having this exact dilemma now, I have worked basically 60-90 hr weeks the last 15 yrs. my attitude was exactly like Yale states.
          07 GT500
          05 SRT10
          88 turbocoupe T-bird
          93 Cobra
          86 coupe
          Ducati 848


          • #6
            I had this hit me about 3 years ago when I was working from 6 a.m. till 9 p.m. mon-fri and 8 a.m. till 3 p.m. on sat. I had dropped to 135 lbs, never took lunches and worked past my limits. It cost me my marriage, I let my ego and fear of not being financially secure get the best of me. Unfortunately it took that to make me realize I needed to change. I now have to fight the urge to get back in that routine and it is hard, it almost seems to me like how drug addicts describe the urge. I now work 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ish and I do save some times that get financially hard, but I am learning how to make my money and investments work for me.


            • #7
              You hit a wall. You will know it when you get there....


              • #8
                Oh! and I have used a lot of my free time to learn, when I only worked and slept there was no time to learn new things. I was actually impressed with myself the other night with the number of different things I have figured out


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                  You hit a wall. You will know it when you get there....
                  Good solid 1000th post!


                  • #10
                    For about 3 years in SF, I worked 14-15 hour days, with a 2 week stretch of 18-20 hour days every quarter. I was gone long before my son woke up and home after he was in bed. I now do a 45 hour week and don't miss a damn thing about the old hours. Biggest bonus is I get to spend time with my son. I also work out daily and lost 20 lbs over the last few months.
                    Originally posted by davbrucas
                    I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                    Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                    You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                    • #11
                      I began changing my work priorities when we had kids. I quit working late constantly, stopped taking as much freelance work and basically just reconfigured my priorities. Since kids are little for a short time and grow up extra-fast these days I figured they were more important than more hours on the job. It worked ok for me - everyone's different, though. Good luck finding the balance that's right for you.


                      • #12
                        I was a bank manager for 2 years until February. Monday-friday I was waking up at 5am to get to and open my branch at 6:30 and staying until 6:30 to close up. Sat was 8-3:30. I generally took one or half a day off so 60hr wks were the norm. Gained a bunch of weight due to poor diet and not working out, and felt crappy in general even though I was putting good money away.

                        I finally decided that the money wasn't worth it and gave my notice. I've since taken about 6 months off of working to decide if I wanted to do something else or not and decided to go back to my old position of banker. Money is slightly less, but it's a straight 40 hr 9-5 that I enjoyed, was very good at and will actually give me a life outside of my job.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                          You hit a wall. You will know it when you get there....
                          THIS... and I've hit it... 4yrs straight... 7 days a week... very little vacation... taking phone calls and emailing and working while on vacation often times.

                          I had a blast at first, but the last year or so has ground me down quite a bit... unexpected bonus, I just started charging more and more because I had fewer and fewer fucks to give. Supply and demand I guess.

                          I hit the wall a couple months ago. Out of fucks to give. I'm taking a hiatus and starting up a new venture.


                          • #14
                            As a farmer i put in some crazy hours but you gotta take some time off.

                            I learned in my early 20s working three jobs. It was all about money. Being self employed its hard to say no to a job because it feeds you and your family.

                            I work 7 days a week for most of the year. Even in the winter i put in atleast half days.
                            one day ill say fuck it and sell it all and find a beach.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                              THIS... and I've hit it... 4yrs straight... 7 days a week... very little vacation... taking phone calls and emailing and working while on vacation often times.

                              I had a blast at first, but the last year or so has ground me down quite a bit... unexpected bonus, I just started charging more and more because I had fewer and fewer fucks to give. Supply and demand I guess.

                              I hit the wall a couple months ago. Out of fucks to give. I'm taking a hiatus and starting up a new venture.

