Originally posted by 46Tbird
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I love how one of our core values they keep cramming down our throats is "We prepare thoroughly for every meeting" when the reality is we race from conference room to conference room, meeting to meeting, all day. The whole idea that "preparing thoroughly for every meeting" is part of our "culture" is laughable. So many companies like mine think because you put a mission statement on a wall, that that is your culture. Its such a token piece of bullshit that is openly mocked. Our culture is the complete opposite of rush from meeting to meetings, hope you remember which client this new meeting is for, wing it, and pray.

I have yet to mix up a client, but our Project Managers have done it on quite a few occasions, to their shame and our hilarity.
We have had a few people come in and bravely try to change the culture, but management is so indifferent that any dreams to change the culture get utterly squashed.
We just had a conference call last week that reviewed a company wide survey on how we felt about management, and it was pretty amusing seeing the response from our Chief of HR:
"74% of you feel that your compensation packages are not up to standards....wow...well...this certainly is a surprise to us here in HR, as we rigorously evaluate each position for its worth when deciding compensation".
The whole office busted out laughing. Thank god our senior management wasnt in the office, but we felt pretty safe, considering it was before 10am.
