A bit of background: I work as a Business Analyst in the travel industry, and my company is hiring more and more from a singular source of talent. I work with a bunch of very bright people who are all good to work with, but i have noticed a shift over the past year as we have gone from 30% of our workforce being from this company to around 80% drawing from this company as our culture begins to reflect the changes. A 2 fold increase in project meetings, double the steering committee meetings, growing group-think, and a general lack of our own identity as we adopt the culture of a company roughly 100 times the size of this one. Our office has more VPs, SVPs, EVPs than all other levels of employee combined.
I know that's how things go these days: Do more with less, but its a bit ridiculous you have a SVP only having 2 people report to you, and one of those people was just hired last week! I don't understand how you can do strategic planning when you are mired in the trenches of day to day ops, either.
To me its embarrassing that our office management enthusiastically points to the fact that we have a ping-pong table that the leadership team are a bunch of cool/wacky/creative types that value good employee morale. Such ideas might have been revolutionary in the early 90s but this is sad.
We have had employee outings where the management were too busy to show up, leaving us to pay for ourselves for a mandatory "team building" event. This only has happened once, but i'm sure someone got their ass reamed for that failure.
I'm glad i have great, smart coworkers and most management, but is this how disconnected most managers are to effective office culture? Anyone else in this boat ? Surely plenty.
R Version - Too Many Chiefs, not enough indians/ corporate talent pool is running a bit shallow
I know that's how things go these days: Do more with less, but its a bit ridiculous you have a SVP only having 2 people report to you, and one of those people was just hired last week! I don't understand how you can do strategic planning when you are mired in the trenches of day to day ops, either.
To me its embarrassing that our office management enthusiastically points to the fact that we have a ping-pong table that the leadership team are a bunch of cool/wacky/creative types that value good employee morale. Such ideas might have been revolutionary in the early 90s but this is sad.
We have had employee outings where the management were too busy to show up, leaving us to pay for ourselves for a mandatory "team building" event. This only has happened once, but i'm sure someone got their ass reamed for that failure.
I'm glad i have great, smart coworkers and most management, but is this how disconnected most managers are to effective office culture? Anyone else in this boat ? Surely plenty.
