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Adventures in selling appliances

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  • Adventures in selling appliances

    I put my washer and dryer up for sale on Facebook at a price I thought was fair. $200 for the pair, no big deal. Last night just before midnight, I got a chick asking if I'd go $150 and she'd pick it up before 10 am this morning. I'm tired of them on my deck so I agreed.

    Right on time, this white Camero pulls up and bottoms out twice coming down my drive. I was looking for a truck but nope. A fairly hot chick and a guy whose eyes didn't blink at the same time, got out and came stumbling up. They checked them out and he starts into this sob story about how he is getting them and his kid a house and he needs appliances and "Yo man, would you take $120 for them?"

    "Umm, no. We agreed to $150."

    "Well my kid is with his mom and I'm fighting for custody..." I just drowned him out while thinking about just how many joints he smoked before he got there and looking down his girl's top. When he paused for a breath, I shook my head and said "No man, $150. That's already 50 off." Oddly enough, he points to her and she hands me the cash and they drive off. Without the washer or dryer.

    A few hours go by and a 4x4 black Ford pulls up with the white Camero right behind them. Six guys jump out and just start wandering around the yard until I came outside and asked what they were doing. The morons asked if I had a dolly they could use. I pointed out I could pick up the washer by myself and they had 6 guys with the idiot girl and they finally loaded up and headed out.

    No problems, good sale, goodbye. Well, my son got sick and I was at the ER with him when the calls start coming. He didn't know they had to buy dryer vent hose and washer hoses. No problem, that happens. Then 8 calls later, he wants me to give him his money back. Seems it doesn't work with the lid open and when I suggested he close it, he asked how he could see that it works with the lid closed. I finally agreed to take it back as I was busy with the kiddo and $150 was the last thing on my mind.

    On my way home, he calls 4 more times, each more slurred and idiotic than the last. He not only wanted his money back, he wanted the $40 he paid someone to pick it up, his gas back and forth twice, the $50 in hoses he bought AND for me to come and get it. Either way, he was on his way over to get his money back and I could pick it up later.

    I advised my new friend not to come over without the appliances and expect his money. He started in a 20 minute story about how I was taking food from his kid's mouth and his mouth and he worked 9 am to 9 pm and made $200 a week and was out $100 on top of the $150 he gave me and I should give him all of the money and let him keep the washer and dryer because he needed them.

    Well, an hour ago they showed up to bring the pair back out with the same black truck and 6 guys. He started in on how I should give him the money to pay the guys standing there with all of them looking right at me. I was polite but informed him that his $150 could be split however he liked but they were leaving right then. It was interesting for about 20 minutes or so but it worked itself out. People can be very nice when you are fully ready to shoot all of them in the face with hollow points.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Damn bro, F all that....hope them fuckers don't come back looking for trouble.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jefehbk View Post
      Damn bro, F all that....hope them fuckers don't come back looking for trouble.
      They'll find some trouble, that's for sure. lol
      Originally posted by Buzzo
      Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



      • #4
        As bad as craigslist can be when selling something, the Facebook idiots I have dealt with lately seem to be far worse.


        • #5
          Originally posted by crapstang View Post
          They'll find some trouble, that's for sure. lol
          thats no shit, I can only imagine it being like a steven seagal movie if they come back


          • #6
            You're nicer than I am. I wouldn't have taken them back.


            • #7
              Originally posted by talisman View Post
              You're nicer than I am. I wouldn't have taken them back.
              x2. Buyers, keepers. Why the fuck would you take them back if you didn't want them in the first place?


              • #8
                i wouldn't have answered the phone!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cannon88 View Post
                  As bad as craigslist can be when selling something, the Facebook idiots I have dealt with lately seem to be far worse.
                  Well it is Facebook after all.


                  • #10
                    You could have probably nailed his GF for another $40 off.


                    • #11
                      This is why I refuse to allow craigslist folks to come to my house. If its a car I will meet them at the office, or anything else I always meet at the Academy Sports down the street. I also have a $200 minimum for dealing with craigslist people, if I can't get $200 for it then I will donate it or find another means of selling it.


                      • #12
                        The description of the dude makes the spelling, "camero," 100% appropriate.
                        ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GrayStangGT View Post
                          This is why I refuse to allow craigslist folks to come to my house. If its a car I will meet them at the office, or anything else I always meet at the Academy Sports down the street. I also have a $200 minimum for dealing with craigslist people, if I can't get $200 for it then I will donate it or find another means of selling it.
                          spot on...

                          my minimum transaction is double yours though


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jefehbk View Post
                            Damn bro, F all that....hope them fuckers don't come back looking for trouble.
                            As do I. That is why I returned their money and was very polite. I go out of my way to keep from resorting to violence because I know just how violent I can get.
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #15
                              I was busy and didn't feel like loading it up to take it to town like I usually do and again, I made the mistake of giving my house number instead of my google voice number. It was my screwup and I figure that it's a lesson learned.

                              The wife says she thinks it's part of a scam. My Facebook says 'retired' and has no pictures accessible to the public. She thinks they buy stuff from old people, claim they don't work and then badger them until they get the extra to make them go away.
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

