Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
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Getting married did that to me. Then getting divorced, I threw myself at work and started pulling in the biggest income years of my life, while throwing 20% in my 401k. (I still wasn't hitting the dollar limit I could put in though. ) I don't know what kids would have done to my life, but it's something I wonder about on occasion. I wasn't ever adamantly opposed to them, but the ex would pull ridiculously obnoxious dramatics if a kid was even in the same room as us to make sure I got the point about how much she didn't want them. On the bright side the divorce forced me to really examine where I wanted to go with my life, and at this late stage they weren't in the equation. I've actually been thinking about loosening my strict no kid policy when dating. Hell, I'm rambling, don't know why, but your post got my mind in gear a bit. TL;DR.