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Texas cop "kills for Christ?" Uhhhhhh...

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  • Texas cop "kills for Christ?" Uhhhhhh...

    I know I feel safer with a guy that looks to the Rambo series to draw conclusions about law enforcement and God, walking around with a gun, no doubt exercising his excellent judgement.... What in the FUCK.

    WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS — SWAT officer Charlie Eipper lowered his head to his rifle, peered through his Simmons scope, searched for his target, and fired.

    When he killed a man in the line of duty on Jan. 10, 1999, he was confident that Jesus Christ condoned — even supported — his use of deadly force.

    He spelled out his convictions — and the Bible’s support for them — in his book “Jesus Christ on Killing,” self-published March 5.

    The book is available on Amazon.

    Eipper has considered himself a professional warrior in the service of his country for the past 23 years. He served three years as a helicopter pilot in the Army, then 16 years on the Wichita Falls Police Department SWAT team as a sniper and team leader of the gang unit.

    His service has required him to use deadly force in several incidents. Currently, he is a patrol sergeant.

    In the early days, Eipper — a devoted follower of Christ — said he was misinformed about how Jesus viewed his mission of protection and defense. He’d been told killing of any kind was wrong, which was a troubling stance in his line of work.

    But after studying the Bible with the help of Grace Church Pastor Tom Rodgers, today Eipper is confident that Jesus Christ supports warriors and anyone acting in self-defense.

    After three years of intense study for the writing of his book, he is articulate on the subject of Jesus Christ and killing and eager to share it with other military and law enforcement colleagues and Christians.

    “The Scriptures are clear that God condones the use of deadly force in killing whenever we are threatened,” Eipper said.

    A woman who carries a handgun with a concealed carry license can be assured that she can defend herself with deadly force “and still be in complete fellowship with her Savior,” Eipper said.

    The Bible is not a manual on killing, he said. “The main theme is salvation. But the topic is discussed.”

    Eipper travels from Genesis, Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy to Isaiah, 1 Kings, Proverbs and on into Matthew, Romans, 2 Corinthians and Hebrews to lay out what he sees as the Bible’s stance on killing.

    “The reason I can call it ‘Jesus Christ on Killing’ — it’s the spirit of Christ that has been the inspiration for any prophet to speak or write,” he said.

    Eipper was motivated to write the book after educating himself on the scriptural teaching on killing, then perceiving it was twisted in movies like “Rambo IV.” The movie, set in Thailand, hooked up Rambo with missionaries who asked him to take them up the river to Burma.

    “He didn’t want to, but finally did. Their boat got taken over by river pirates. He had to kill them to save everybody,” Eipper recalls. “When Rambo was dropping the missionaries off at their destination, the lead missionary was stepping off the boat and turned to Rambo. ‘I know you think what you did is right,’ the missionary said, ‘but it’s never right to take a life.’”

    Eipper cringed. “I thought, ‘What if there’s a young believer in Christ watching this? What if it’s somebody who is in the Marine Corps? Or an officer? They’re going to be so confused. They’ll think, ‘Surely this guy is speaking on authority of Scripture.’”

    Eipper’s book explains the biblical case for civilian self-defense, the death penalty, law enforcement and war. Such issues are rarely, if ever, addressed in churches, he said.

    Today’s culture embraces Christ as the suffering servant, the lamb of God, he said. “We have trouble viewing him as king, as the one who is coming back as the Lion of Judah, a warrior,” Eipper said. “My last chapter is Jesus, the Man of War.”

    He said that 2,000 years ago, Jesus’ disciples wanted Jesus to be the warrior king, not the suffering servant.

    But the role of warrior was to come later, Eipper said.

    He sees glimpses in the Bible of the spirit of Christ fighting for Israel as the nation escaped Egypt in Exodus 15.

    But the full force of Jesus’ battle plan is ahead, he said.

    “When Jesus comes back, he will be the man of war. When he comes back, there will be a whole lot of killing going on. Scripture says that (Jesus) is going to be the one doing it. Our Savior will be going to battle. Finally, Israel will see their national salvation occurring.”

  • #2
    Bible thumpers get under my skin BIG time but I see nothing objectionable in this mans beliefs. He just feels a completely normal aversion to the taking of human life and needs to be able to justify his use of deadly force when called upon to use it.

    The commandment "Thou shall not kill" actually says "Thou shall not murder". Killing in defense of ones self or others is not murder.
    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


    • #3
      Being a defender of good vs evil I'm all for. Profiting off conquest in the name of "god" I have a huge problem with.
      The richest man in Babylon


      • #4
        Writing about his experiences and selling the writings is hardly "Profiting off conquest in the name of "god". Anyone who has gone to the lengths to help others by sharing their experiences that this man has is probably a pretty good guy.

        I must point out that he is concerned enough about what he is doing to research it to see if it is right.
        Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


        • #5
          Simmons scope, huh? Golly...
          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


          • #6
            Originally posted by svo855 View Post
            Bible thumpers get under my skin BIG time but I see nothing objectionable in this mans beliefs. He just feels a completely normal aversion to the taking of human life and needs to be able to justify his use of deadly force when called upon to use it.

            The commandment "Thou shall not kill" actually says "Thou shall not murder". Killing in defense of ones self or others is not murder.
            Pretty much this. We are meant to be warrior, even told to put on the whole armor of God. You don't put on armor to hide. We are told that if we don't have a sword to sell our cloak and buy one and Revelations does say that Christ returning will be a conqueror.

            I had a long talk with the chaplains before I deployed.
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
              Originally posted by svo855 View Post
              Bible thumpers get under my skin BIG time but I see nothing objectionable in this mans beliefs. He just feels a completely normal aversion to the taking of human life and needs to be able to justify his use of deadly force when called upon to use it.

              The commandment "Thou shall not kill" actually says "Thou shall not murder". Killing in defense of ones self or others is not murder.
              Good post, svo


              • #8
                Originally posted by YALE View Post
                Simmons scope, huh? Golly...
                More like a Leupold sitting on a HS rifle.

                He's not ever been any kind of bible thumper when I've been around him. Just a down to earth normal person not a "John Wayne save everyone" type a lot of rookies and some others are.
                "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                  Pretty much this. We are meant to be warrior, even told to put on the whole armor of God. You don't put on armor to hide. We are told that if we don't have a sword to sell our cloak and buy one and Revelations does say that Christ returning will be a conqueror.

                  I had a long talk with the chaplains before I deployed.

                  This... We "wrestle" with the enemy on a daily basis.

