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  • #46
    Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View Post
    I'm contemplating the drive right now.
    A hour and a half later and I'm still home... I did make an attempt to leave, but the snow drift behind my truck had other ideas.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Da Prez View Post
      I'm sitting on the couch playing cod...

      word up


      • #48
        Temp says its 16 degrees outside!


        • #49
          Im in,fucking yankee slave driver said "the weather is not that bad"


          • #50
            Sittin at home. If I drove to work, the one car I had left from yesterday is still waiting on parts. They come from 20 miles east of me, I know the response for parts will be bad roads. Not worth the trouble to drive in for an hours worth of work even if I could get parts. The motor's still out of my mustang, the injection pump is pulled on my cummins, and this is the first time my regal has seen snow in at least 11 years. It's been pulling DD status for the last couple weeks. Most dependable car I own.


            • #51
              I was here on time. Didnt get the building unlocked for 30 minutes since the tumblers were froze in the lock.
              2015 F250 Platinum


              • #52
                Hahaha I left the house this morning and locked the front door then realized I forgot something so ran back to the front and couldn't even get my key in the door because of the ice.... Damn.


                • #53
                  I'm working from home today, probably the rest of the week if I'm lucky, since the stupid shit around the Superbowl is fucking up the roads by our office.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by FastFord19 View Post
                    I'm working a 6a to 6p. No such thing as bad weather for the leo.
                    Same here. No such thing as a "weather day" for us. You guys make sure you get all the wrecks cleared up before evening shift comes on...


                    • #55
                      I am at work also. No mercy in the forklift industry.


                      • #56
                        Came to Houston for a meeting. Motherfucker said he had 5 minutes because he was in another meeting and we had an hour scheduled. Conveniently didn't inform me that he had moved our meeting to TOMORROW.


                        I'mma buss some caps. Have to drive back to Dallas in this shit..


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                          Came to Houston for a meeting. Motherfucker said he had 5 minutes because he was in another meeting and we had an hour scheduled. Conveniently didn't inform me that he had moved our meeting to TOMORROW.


                          I'mma buss some caps. Have to drive back to Dallas in this shit..
                          You sure did suck todays dick with that one.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Game On View Post
                            I am at work also. No mercy in the forklift industry.
                            Who do you work for? I'm at Briggs Equipment.
                            Originally posted by Nash B.
                            Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


                            • #59
                              Postal service is running. Just saw the mail get delivered. Do I dare walk to the mailbox in my pajama pants?


                              • #60
                                I was working earlier until a dipshit in a chev truck side swiped me. Luckily there is no damage to the truck except for a small scrape. I'm done with pulling people out today. I would rather wait until the road clear up a bit or the people stop driving on them.
                                Owner of Titan Towing

                                We have your towing needs covered!

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